Can you spot the TWO accidentally camouflaged cats in this photo of a garden centre?

THIS photo of a garden center has people online stumped as they try to find two cats. Can you find them?

Two cats, Max and Emma, ​​are accidentally camouflaged while taking a short nap in the bright sun.

Can you see the kittens Max and Emma at the garden center?


Can you see the kittens Max and Emma at the garden center? Credit: Twitter/@eastbayhardware

East Bay Hardware posted the photo on Twitter, leaving viewers scratching their heads as they tried to spot the loose kittens.

Some Twitter users didn’t seem to have a problem casting the cats in the image, with one writing: “I’m so excited. I found them.”

Others, however, found it more difficult to choose a pair.

One person wrote: “One was easy and the other wasn’t, but it should have been. I wasn’t looking in the right place.”

Another who apparently lived nearby said: “All I see is Emma. I’ll have to find Max, so I’ll drop by myself.

It seems someone else has given a clue to anyone trying to find them by typing “Made in the Shadows”.

The daring couple is circled in the image below.

Curious readers may also like to see a camouflaged dog hiding in a forest.

Earlier this month, the playful dog puzzled people online as they tried to find him among the trees.

If you enjoyed trying to find this lost hybrid, try finding this family of four cheetahs scurrying across a rocky plain hiding in plain sight.

Readers could also try to find a cleverly hidden kitten in a huge pile of junk.

We’re not sure how anyone could find anything in this mountain of rubble, let alone your pet.

Looking for more cryptic puzzles?

Cat lovers might want to try this other uncomfortable outdoor space that hides a resting cat.

It’s quite awkward because nothing in the photo seems to be out of the ordinary.

Did you manage to find the two kittens?


Did you manage to find the two kittens? Credit: Twitter/@eastbayhardware

Categories: Optical Illusion

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