The best perks in Modern Warfare 3

A soldier with a shotgun in Modern Warfare 3.Infinity Ward

If there’s one thing besides your gun that you need to make sure is perfectly adjusted Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, it’s definitely a schedule of your benefits. You can choose one perk from each of the four categories, and you want to make sure they fit your playstyle perfectly. As such, your selection of the perfect perks will ultimately come down to personal taste, but we’ve compiled a list of the top two perks from each category that we think will be useful in a wide variety of fills. Read on to see what we’ve picked as the best deals Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.

The best vest benefits

The best fit for your vest slot depends a lot on your play style. If you consider yourself a run-and-gun type of guy, you might like the Gunner Vest more since it gives you the maximum amount of ammo while providing a faster reload speed for each gun. On that note, the engineer’s vest can be invaluable for those who want to go slower as it shows you kill marks and field gear through the walls, which can save your life by letting you know exactly what to expect in the next room and allowing you to plan according to.

The best benefits for gloves

The best perk for your gauntlet slot will generally be scavenger gauntlets as they allow you to restock ammo from fallen players, keeping you in the fight longer if you manage to take out your enemies. However, you may prefer the faster weapon switching that comes with the Quick-Grip Gloves in certain cases, especially if you find yourself frequently switching to sidearms to finish off your enemies.

The best deals on boots

The best fit for your boot slot is lightweight boots or stealth sneakers. The former gives you noticeably faster movement speed on both land and water, while the former completely reduces the sound of your footsteps to make you significantly more stealthy as you run around the map looking for your next kill. If you’re a gun-toting player, the Lightweight might work best when it allows you to quickly close in on other players, but the sneaking ability of the Covert Sneakers is definitely unmatched for those who take things a little slower.

The best deals on equipment

The best perk for your gear slot is probably the Mission Control Commlink, as it reduces the number of kills required to gain killstreaks, which in turn will give you even more options in combat. However, don’t sleep on the Ghost T/V Camo either, as it will prevent you from appearing on your opponents’ radar while moving, rendering their drones and heartbeat sensors useless when it comes to you.

Editor’s recommendations

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