Videotapes. A touching and heartfelt scene. A blind and mortal dog senses when its owner comes home

This is the story of a dog who died and was blind with special senses. The dog was adopted by a couple from an animal shelter where the dogs need special care.

The dog’s name is Opal. The dog is eight months old. Opal is very sensitive and intelligent. The dog stands by the fence or just goes outside and rejoices when it smells the owner’s car approaching it.

A scene was filmed in which the dog became delighted to know its owner had arrived. The dog cannot see or hear, but it is quite alive and has unconditional love for its owner.

The dog jumped up and wagged its tail happily. The scene is so sweet and emotional. The dog looks very happy when its owner comes home.

The dog loves its family members because it is always at the center of attention and care. Whenever one of the family members is not at home, she will be impatiently waiting for him or her.

Here is a touching video:

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