10 Amazing Pieces Of Star Wars Fan Art From Reddit

The success of Disney’s recent series Obi-Wan Kenobi, which has been largely embraced by the fandom, demonstrates the extent to which both this franchise and this character, in particular, continue to exert a hold on the popular imagination. One of the main ways fans use to express their adoration for this franchise is by using fan art, much of which is astonishingly sophisticated and artistically mature.

The users of Reddit, in particular, have showcased their considerable talents, showing how Star Wars continues to be a source of inspiration for many of its most ardent devotees.

Beautifully Captured

A cross stitch of Obi Wan Kenobi

There’s no question that Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the best characters in the original trilogy. He is also beloved for his appearances in the prequel trilogy and, now, in his own series. This artist has done a masterful job of capturing this beloved character in thread.

What is especially notable about this piece of fan art from MoistBogdanoff is the extent to which it captures Kenobi’s sorrow and weariness, even as the lightsabers that frame his face suggest that, beneath it all, he is still a powerful source of strength.

Cuteness Overload

A crocheted Grogu

The little creature Grogu cast a particular spell when he appeared in season 1 of The Mandalorian. Almost instantly, he became one of the most popular Star Wars creations, and he ultimately came to occupy the space of a cultural icon in his own right.

Thus, it’s not at all surprising that a number of enterprising fan creators would see him as an inspiration, and this piece of fan art by Byrdsthawrd manages to capture, in stuffed animal form, the charisma and cuteness that allowed Grogu to capture the hearts of so many.

A Throwback

A fan made poster with The Mandalorian characters

The Mandalorian has become one of the most popular pieces of Star Wars media. With its adventure of the week format, its Wild West aura, and its beloved characters, it’s easy to see why it has become so popular.

And, as this piece of fan artwork suggests, there is something a little old-fashioned about its approach to the material, and this helps to explain its popularity. This piece of fan art by Nikephoros_II_Phokas evokes the movie poster aesthetic of both the original trilogy and the tradition of which it was a part.

Exquisite Detail

A drawing of the Din and Grogu in black and white

The friendship between the Mandalorian and Grogu is one of the most important bonds in Star Wars. Each of them finds in the other something that helps them to deal with their own emotional needs. It’s no surprise, then, that many have seen in this a source of inspiration for their own artistic creations.

There are many things to enjoy about this particular offering from tydrummer15, but most important is the sheer level of detail that has gone into its creation. It manages to pay homage to the original series while also maintaining its own individuality.

Split Personality

A painting of Anakin as Darth Vader

The tragedy of Anakin Skywalker is one of the most important storylines in the entirety of Star Wars. Throughout his time in the series, Anakin has always shown two very different sides to his personality, made most visible in the division between Skywalker and Darth Vader. Here, the artist has brilliantly captured this.

This art from AnotherRedditSoul shows, in vivid, almost brutal colors, the extent to which these two aspects of his personality continue to coexist within the persona of Darth Vader, which helps to explain why he finally turns against Palpatine.

A Glorious Mashup

A painting of Nick Fury as a Star Wars character

The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars are two of the most successful and highly-regarded franchises in Hollywood. Thus, it was inevitable that some artists such as Alive-Ad-4164 would see the two of them brought together in fan art. It is fitting, then, that they chose Nick Fury to transform into a character from Star Wars.

It is easy to see how he would fit into the Galaxy, and the artist does a very good job of both staying true to his character and also bringing in the Star Wars aesthetic. The fact that Samuel L. Jackson also played Mace Windu makes the choice all that much more fitting.

A Sinister Beauty

A quick sketch of post duel Anaking before his rebuilding

Anakin’s near death on the planet of Mustafar is another key moment in the saga, and it comes to have a profound impact on the rest of the story. It is also a particularly brutal scene, as it shows the tremendous damage down to his body.

This artist, crazyf***guy, has captured, in a sinister, skeletal sort of way, the anguish Anakin endured after his duel with Obi-Wan. Though the style is not particularly sophisticated, it is precisely its brutal simplicity that helps to give it its sinister aura.

A Beautiful Tragedy

A painting of Anakin and Obi Wan themed on the Mustafar duel

One of the most exciting moments in the new series Obi-Wan Kenobi is when the title character engages in a brutal duel with Darth Vader, ultimately damaging his helmet and revealing part of the Anakin beneath.

This piece of artwork by MoeWanders skillfully juxtaposes Obi-Wan’s face with that of Darth Vader/Anakin. As a result, the viewer is forced to confront the true tragedy of their relationship, the extent to which their own paths have taken them so far from one another that it is almost impossible to imagine them ever truly reconciling, at least not in life.

A Brilliant Statesman

A painting of Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor

Palpatine is one of the best and most powerful villains in Star Wars. Though his abilities with the Force help to explain some of this, it is also the case that he is a masterful politician, someone capable of manipulating the levers of power to get what he wants.

In this masterful piece of fan art by AspiringOccultist4, the artist has captured Palpatine the statesman, the man who knew how to make himself invaluable to those who possessed more worldly power than he did. It’s almost impossible not to admire his genius.

Saturated Colors

A four part painting of scenes from the Star Wars sequels

Though the sequel trilogy may not be to everyone’s liking, there’s no question that it does contain many notable scenes of exquisite beauty. So beautiful are they, in fact, that they have inspired even those fans who didn’t like the trilogy to capture some of it.

There are many things worth admiring in this piece of art by Aden3J, but of particular note is its ability to not only capture the magic of key moments in the sequels, but to do so in bright, saturated colors, expressing the powerful emotions that are at work in this story.

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