10 Best Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy Moments In DC Comics

With season 3 of the animated series Harley Quinn now airing Thursdays on HBO Max, there is no shortage of iconic Harley and Ivy moments. Originally created by comedic geniuses Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, the villainous pair are known for having one of the most tethered yet complex relationships in all of DC history.

Their entirely strained, comical friendship turned romance has continued to engage both readers and viewers alike for decades. From their bonded beginnings in The Harley and The Ivy to their witty and unhinged banter within the escapades of Batman: Harley And Ivy #1-3, their relationship has continued to evolve into something that is arguably unmatched out of any DC pairing. No matter how many times the two have separated due to their differences and faults, they always seem to find their way back to one another, collecting plenty of great moments along the way.

The Harley And The Ivy

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn on a shopping spree in Holiday Knights of The New Batman Adventures

The beginning of their comic book careers began shortly after their famous debut on Batman: The Animated Series. The episode where they first appeared, “Holiday Knights”, was put into the Batman Adventures Holiday Special #1 comic.

Pamela and Harleen take Bruce (unwillingly) out for a night on the town on his dime after he is kissed by Ivy’s tainted smooch, then forced to follow their command. The way their wrongdoings, like this one, backfire on them due to Harley’s reluctance to take missions seriously and Ivy being unprepared for when things go awry are partly why the girls are well-loved when they’re together. The outing defined their unique dynamic that is capable of bringing out both the best, and sometimes worst, in each other.

When Harley And Ivy Freed Pound Dogs

Harley and Ivy free dogs in the comic

In an arguably heroic continuity within Prime Earth, Harley and Ivy join forces together yet again with Harley Quinn #2 to become heroes by saving animals from certain doom while tangoing violently with a bounty hunter.

The moment does well at displaying the heroic side of the women who are too often deemed as villainous fiends, as well as how courageously they can work to achieve greatness as a team. When the escapees run off in every direction, including the partners in crime, it showcased the righteous freedom they can obtain and grant others each time they fight for the good side. The theme of dipping their toes into heroics surely continues to develop over time as they veer away from their old tendencies.

When Harley Convinces Ivy To Seek Trauma Treatment

Harley and Ivy - Heroes in Crisis

During Heroes in Crisis, the Justice League creates a psychiatric hospital called the Sanctuary in which superhumans can receive treatment for trauma-induced mental health conditions, a rather progressive though intelligent idea.

After Harley’s continued insistence, Ivy reluctantly agrees to seek treatment at the facility for both of their sakes. Being unafraid of vulnerability in the presence of each other is something that was never taken lightly, considering the clashing nature of the nearly impenetrable walls of solitude Ivy built around herself and Harley’s occasionally overbearing need to always be near those she loves. Regardless, they succeed in balancing out their contradicting traits, nurturing the deep love between them.

When Harley Saved Ivy From A Renegade Cop

Gotham City Sirens comic cover

Harley becomes Ivy’s hero in Songs of the Sirens, an issue part of Gotham City Sirens, where Ivy is falsely accused of some heinous criminal activity and taken into the clutches of an insanely corrupt police officer.

In this time, Ivy is abused physically and put to starve to death in an underground hole. Catwoman, Harley and even Gordon race against time to track down Ivy. Though Harley is usually the one who needs saving in comparison to Ivy, Harley has also saved her humanity, as well as her life, many times. Furthermore, Harley isn’t ashamed to go to great lengths and ask for help in order to save her dearest friend.

Batman: Harley And Ivy #1-3

The girls get caught during a heist due to Harley’s ditzy-ness and unpredictable tendencies while attempting to steal a Zombie Root plant, which Ivy had planned to distill into a chemical that turns anyone exposed into a slave,

Harley and Ivy’s friendship is severed as they are thrown back into Arkham Asylum, but that doesn’t stop Harley from trying to weasel her way back into her best friend’s isolative heart with an affectionate apology. Tossing aside their list of failures and arguments, Harley repeatedly wants to assist Ivy with her next plan and unyieldingly support her, even when she is constantly pushed away.

When Harley And Batgirl Saved Ivy From Kitsune

Batgirl asks if Harley Quinn and Ivy are friends in Batgirl comics.

In the comic Batgirl Adventures, Harley must team up with Batgirl to save a kidnapped Ivy, who was taken by Kitsune in an attempt to steal her plant toxins. Harley immediately goes after Ivy, knowing that she would do the same for her.

Harley and Batgirl watch from above, waiting for the right moment to save Ivy as Kitsune interrogates her. Batgirl begins to poke fun at Harley and Ivy’s relationship in the meantime, asking if they’re more than friends. Harley essentially confirms this, then insinuates that Batgirl and Supergirl have the same relationship. The instant not only demonstrates the hilarity of Quinn that awarded her countless fans but the unbreakable link between her and Ivy.

When Ivy Helped Harley Rediscover Herself

Harley and Ivy embrace in DC Comics.

Post Heroes in Crisis, Ivy and Harley go on a fulfilling road trip in a six-issue miniseries where they elude both heroes and villains on their way to redemption, reaffirming their relationship in the meantime.

Healing from their nightmare-turned-reality at the Sanctuary is only possible when they’re together, especially since the persistence of their past and future complicate things. In the final issue, Ivy helps Harley rediscover who she truly is now and who she wants to be in an emotional climax, accomplishing something with the ex-psychiatrist that Joker never could while solidifying the strength of their devotion yet again.

When They Got Married

Harley Quinn Poison Ivy Marriage

Though it didn’t happen in the main continuity comics canon, Harley and Ivy did indeed get hitched, but in the Injustice series. This historical event lead fans of the couple to celebrate the long-waited canon content of the dynamic pair.

Despite their extraordinary attachment to one another, it’s unlikely that the couple will ever wed in the main continuity, but they do in the DCEU. Yet rings or no rings, the antihero pair have proven time and time again that they undoubtedly have what it takes to make it together. No matter what universe they’re in, their admirable adoration and extreme loyalty to each other speaks volumes.

When Ivy Saved Harley (And Made Her Immune To Toxins)


Without question, Ivy has saved Harley several times from Joker, both metaphorically and physically. Ivy goes above and beyond to help Harley and show how much she cares for her when she is kicked out after another brutal break up with Joker.

Nursing her back to health while giving her a place to stay in one of the best Harley Quinn storylines, Ivy supports her best friend as much as she possibly can while she gets back on her feet, trying to convince her to leave Joker for good. On top of this, Ivy proved how much she cares for Harley by giving her a serum to not only make her immune to all toxins but also give her increased agility and strength, thus making her stronger without Joker.

Harley And Ivy’s Road Trip Honeymoon

Harley Quinn cartwheels into bed with Poison Ivy in DC Comics.

The spin-off comic of Harley Quinn the animated series, aka The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour, picked up where the show left off in the best way possible. They have declared their love for one another after Ivy’s failed marriage to Kite Man, and Harley and Ivy have a lot of affection to catch-up on.

Showcasing their unconditional love for one another, Harley carries Ivy wedding-style into her makeshift mattress store home, comforting Ivy for her failed wedding with Kite Man. The incredibly sweet scene of the newlyweds is rudely interrupted by Gordon on their tail. This triumph cannot be understated, as the unwavering couple have fought long and hard to win each other’s hearts, despite past distrust issues gained through traumas.

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