10 Best Seasons of MTV’s The Challenge, Ranked According To IMDb

music videos challenge is one of the oldest and most beloved reality TV contests in history, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Challenge: All Stars In Paramount+, challenge It will only become more and more popular with the audience and win more fans every day.

The series has gone through a lot of transitions in its 36 seasons, and naturally, some seasons of the show are more popular and beloved than others. So, with that in mind, what are the show’s most popular seasons based on their average IMDb ratings?

Freelance – 8.2 seasons average

Leroy Garrett and CT Tamburello on challenge: free agency

challenge Likes to change the format of the game every season and a fan favorite style of play that has yet to be repeated is free agent.

The concept is very simple as each player fights for himself and many rules and considerations free agent Essentially negating many of the tactics players have devised in previous seasons to cheat the game.

Gauntlet II – Season average 8.3

Cast of Gangster Challenge 2

this season challenge is one of the few older challenges that actually has an IMDb rating for the whole season, possibly because it was added to some other streaming service.

Although it is much simpler than contemporary challenges, Challenge II is an old song, but a good one, and if any fan these days is looking for a season that perfectly embodies the challenges of old school, this is the perfect song to revel in. .

Opponents – season average 8.5

Weiss Bergman in Challenge: Opponent

not surprising protest was one of the highest-grossing seasons in the show’s history, as it was often one of the show’s most iconic formats and individual seasons. challenge history.

Firstly protest stand out from the crowd by comparison opponent two And father Also, because when the format originated on the show, the competition that made up these couples was much more serious and deeper than the social media rivalry that seems to cause a lot of competition these days. now.

Eternal Enemies – 8.5 seasons on average

Challenge: Vendettas applaud before the match

Honest, feud mostly feel like protest season disguised into a new format. However, it’s also hard to criticize them for repeating a concept that has obviously worked so well for previous series, and the pairing of contestants who don’t like each other always brings drama to the competition.

feud For this exact reason, it creates intensity among fan-favorite players while keeping the game competitive.

Battle of the Exes – 8.6 seasons average

CT and Diem talk defiantly

one of the most unique elements challenge It’s the same player that often returns for multiple seasons in the series. This is how deep friendships and rivalry are formed between the contestants, but unsurprisingly, it also leads to a lot of romance between the contestants.

So, ancestral war It seems like a natural concept for the series to explore, and it’s clear the results of that idea are well worth a look.

Dirty 30 – 8.7 average season

The Challenge Dirty 30 actors

When challenge As expected, hitting the impressive benchmark of its 30th season, the series wants to celebrate with much fanfare.

The show brought home some of the most iconic contestants of all time, and while some big names unfortunately returned home early in the race, dirty 30 It puts its players in a tough spot and offers some of the best entertainment in the show’s history.

Double Agents – 8.7 seasons on average (so far)

Challenge: Double agent season 36

double agent yes season challenge It’s currently airing, but unless something drastically changes over the next few episodes, it’s still on track to become one of the highest-grossing seasons in the show’s history.

But this should come as no surprise to fans of the series, as the audience response has been overwhelmingly positive and the spy-themed format, which allows teams and alliances to change constantly, is an alternative. big change from the standard. challenge fare.

Total Madness – 8.8 seasons on average

Fast and Furious Challenge Truck Rig

While the setup is steady throughout the season, whether it’s a doubles game, a team game or an individual game that can be exciting, fans seem to challenge There is a seasonal tendency when things are constantly changing.

Really crazy Its success can be attributed to a number of things. First of all, the configurations of teams and players are constantly changing, also because the Red Skull twist requires players to enter the knockout stages to reach the finals.

Cutthroat – 8.8 seasons on average

CT Tamburello prepares to make a backpack for Johnny Bananas in The Challenge: Cutthroat

The big team seasons have clearly fallen out of favor in recent seasons challengeHowever, appreciate cut throat It seems to suggest that, under the right circumstances, fans enjoy watching the Challengers team up.

cut throat unique in that this is a three-team format instead of the traditional two-team confrontation, and of course, the most memorable moment is the moment when CT turns Johnny Bananas into his own personal backpack, which is said to be iconic. most iconic sexual moment challenge history.

Fresh Meat II – 9.2 average season

Kara Marie

In spite of challenge There are many favorites, the most popular among fans (at least those who are too lazy to rate the series on IMDb) like fresh meat two most of.

It’s not hard to see why, as this season has featured some of the most iconic players of all time, such as Cara Maria, Laurel and Teresa, and since the two major leagues have gone head-to-head for almost nothing. whole season, interpersonal relationships are strong. season.

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