10 Godzilla Memes that Are too Hilarious for Words

It’s safe to say Godzilla needs no introduction. He’s had such an influence on popular culture, both figuratively and literally, that even people who haven’t seen the Godzilla movies know who he is. The specter of Godzilla emerging from the sea to destroy Tokyo is so ingrained in our collective memory that nearly every giant monster movie made in the last 60 years can be traced back to the smasher himself. giant building.

It’s no surprise that Godzilla has been the subject of countless memes over the years, some of which would have made the big man laugh to himself. Here are 10 examples of memes that are too funny.

Just give him a cookie and he’ll probably walk away

It’s more of a fan art than a meme, and it spirals out of control into a cursed image. Honestly, we like the combination of Shin Godzilla’s body with Cookie Monster’s eyes and jaw.

If anything, it looks better than G 2016. Call us crazy, but the new Godzilla is ugly (not that it’s a beauty contest, but still). At least this one will be easier to beat; Just give him a box of cookies and he’ll probably run away for decades.


The goblin memes on the shelves are like dad jokes. Sometimes they’re hilarious and sometimes they make one want to punch the nearest person. This one is pretty cool in our opinion, just because we like the idea of ​​Ghidorah with three beards.

What’s scarier than a dragon with three unapproachable heads dying of thirst? We bet he keeps attacking Mothra, then destroys the nearest city when she rejects him. Because all giant caterpillars are selfish and the good-natured monsters will finish in the end.

Wait, how did you do that?

This is a problem that most people after 80 can understand. What do parents have to do with technology? It’s as if there’s a switch in their heads that pops whenever the topic comes up. Of course, this is not something everyone has to deal with. If your parents were tech and computer savvy, we would envy you.

Also, can we provide your parents’ phone number so we can contact you? Maybe they could explain the technical jargon in a way that wouldn’t leave our parents dumbfounded.

Godzilla vs Jimmy Barnes

Jimmy Barnes became an internet meme when he appeared on Kirin J. Callinan’s song Big Enough in 2017. It must have been the easiest money Barnes made, because all he needed. to do is to scream as if it were the end of the world.

The sheer randomness of the song and accompanying video were the perfect storm to launch Barnes on the international stage. Godzilla doesn’t seem to agree, and he seems to be trying to challenge Barnes’ reputation. Or at least Godzilla has found another alpha to challenge for control of Earth. Speaking of which……

“I put ‘God’ on Godzilla!”

These boy and girl memes never go out of style, mainly because they are so old. There’s nothing more childish than a winner, like Godzilla in late 2019 King of the Monsters. Claiming supremacy over weaker peers is a core element of every boxing match on the playing field.

Because in essence, all boys are little dictators who just want to rule Monkey Bar.

Who did it better?

People hail Captain Marvel as a feminist icon, but what about Mothra? Well, sure, she’s not human, but still. She is often depicted as the most intelligent being in the Godzilla universe, with a high sense of responsibility and selflessness, and a desire to protect humanity at all costs. Sure, she occasionally throws in some tough love and sometimes threatens to destroy all of humanity, but she has her reasons. She’s certainly not one of the many mindless monsters that take over Godzilla’s world, and it’s fair to say that the devastation she causes is purely coincidental (there isn’t, after all) who is perfect).

We’d say Mothra should run for president because her egalitarian spirit is exactly the kind of leader we need right now. Hey, there’s nothing in the constitution that says a giant caterpillar can’t be president, so what’s stopping her?

Last thing a man sees before saying ‘Calm down’

Girls suffer a lot from their significant other. In particular, humans seem to have brains like Celeron that can only process a limited amount of information before stalling. If there’s one word that women always hate, it’s “Ha, what is that?” No one knows why.

It could be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, lack of sleep, or the simple fact that some men have erratic memories. Either way, it seems the words are passing from one ear to the other, making the opposite sex uncomfortable.

Why didn’t they think of this before?

As it turns out, Dr. Serizawa didn’t need to sacrifice himself to defeat Godzilla with the Oxygen Destroyer. He could have flown to Denmark and asked for LEGO to build around Tokyo. That way, if Godzilla comes back, he won’t be able to get to the city center.

Godzilla would be as helpless as a parent waking up to pee in the middle of the night, hoping the bathroom aisle wasn’t filled with those damn blocks. Of course, they won’t stop Rodan or Ghidorah, both of which can fly over them, but it’s a start.

you have been attacked by a smooth monster

We wonder if anyone has actually tried a reverse look at the original 1954 Godzilla. This is just part of an entire class of memes, all of which provide movie synopsis when viewed in reverse. Only the most creative entries can achieve meme immortality, and the possibilities are endless. We can make a specific list of what happens in reverse in the movie.

However, if you add this, you have to deduct points, because it is still not Godzilla but a sequel, Godzilla attacks again. Get it right, people!

“I told you, ma’am. I don’t like salads!”

Smudge, aka the cat from “Lady Screaming at Cat Meme”, is the internet mascot of 2019. Who would have thought that an innocent photo of a cat reacting to vegetables, combined with a photo static from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, will grab everyone’s attention. The imagination of the Internet is on a level not seen since Grumpy Cat.

Seeing how popular Smudge is, memes like the above are inevitable. Maybe this time people will get a hint that Smudge is a carnivore with no time for vegetables.

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