10 Saddest Hunter X Hunter Episodes, Ranked

Reboot 2011 hunter x hunter This is the best shounen anime: cheerful, optimistic, based on the strength of friendship and determination. However, don’t be fooled by its sunny appearance: it will enter the viewer’s mind when they least expect it.

All four main characters and quite a few of the supporting characters are traumatized and painfully driven, and their journey only becomes more painful as the series goes on. In episodes like “Redemption and Future,” the series’ central tragedy and themes of power, corruption, and betrayal are brought to the fore, making them some of the saddest episodes in the series. . hunter x hunter.

“Evil and Scary”

The red-haired creature with a gun in Hunter x Hunter

Although the Gyro character never actually appeared, the episode sets the stage for his future appearances by pausing to tell the story of his past. As a child, he was severely abused by his father, but he still loves the man, believing that his rough behavior only made Gyro a better person. He thought of his father taking care of him when he was sick as a way to convince him of it.

When he attacked another boy for insulting his father, the boy beat him a lot and revealed that the memory was false: a neighbor had cared for him through his illness, and his father Gyro has made it clear that he doesn’t care about his son’s death. This broke the gyroscope, causing him to kill his father and make the world as miserable as he was on his own.

“Aluka and Nanika”

Nanika appeared in Alluka's body in HxH.

The Zoldycks are an evil family of assassins who raise their children to kill for a living, like it or not. Their most abused child by far is Kiya’s younger sister, Aluka. This episode not only reveals her existence but also explains why she doesn’t appear until the last scene.

Alluka is possessed by a being called Nanika, which allows her to grant wishes at the cost of her life proportional to the wish. Because they can’t control her deadly wish power, the most dangerous remote control ability in the world. hunter x hunter, her parents declared her an inhuman monster and locked her in a cellar beneath the Zoldyck estate. She was there alone for many years before Kita rescued her.

“President and Release”

Gon Freecss cries in Hunter x Hunter

Gon has always said that he wants to make his reunion with his father Ging a happy moment. But at that time, all he could do was cry and apologize to Ging for letting his student Kite die, even saying he deserved it.

After successfully using Nanika to cure Gon, Kiya orders Nanika to never go out again, thinking he is trying to free his sister from her possession. But when Alluka realized what had happened, she first got angry at her brother and asked him to apologize to Nanika. Realizing how cruel it was to separate them, Kiya shed tears and begged them to forgive him for being “a bad brother”.

“Redemption and the Future”

Hunter x Hunter photo of smiling children holding three babies in one arm

The events of Chimera Ants put Jack and Chiya’s friendship to the greatest test ever. While they later reunite without any feud, the two change after the experience and agree that it’s best to stay apart for a while. Killua will travel with Alluka, while Gon, although wanting to introduce Killua to Ging, will go alone to meet his father.

Although they smiled as they said goodbye, their expressions changed to hesitant frowns as they turned away and parted. “Reason,” the ending credits theme focusing on their relationship, serves as a montage of their friendship. Since the manga is currently on hiatus, it is unknown when the two will meet again.

“The Fall and Awakening”

A boy with a fist with lightning in Hunter x Hunter

In this episode, the main problem occurs with Kiya. While fighting Palm, who had turned into a chimera ant, he refused to tell her where Gon was, thinking that if Gon saw what happened to his friend, he would lose Nen. completely. When the full weight of the thought hit him, he broke down and surrendered, begging Palm to protect Gon because he didn’t believe he had the strength to do it anymore.

Ki Ya is responsible for Jay’s happiness and is hard on himself when he considers himself a failure. It hurts to see Kira cry over what he considers a weakness. He was relieved when Palm assured him that it was none other than Gon who needed him most: him.

“Friends and Journey”

Jay sat next to a young girl

Xiaojie is restricted from using Nen and Qiya is determined to protect him. But against a stronger enemy, Qi Ya turned to stone. Illumi had previously forced Kita to abandon her friend, but this time Kita used palpable pain to destroy what was holding him captive: the hypnotic needle Illumi had implanted in him, which was Kita had to take it out of his head with his bare hands. up and out.

This episode not only highlights how Ki Ya is in charge of Jay’s feelings but also demonstrates his strong desire to protect Jay. Manipulated by his older brother, he believes he is inherently unworthy of friends and must constantly fight for the right to be close to the people he loves.

“Light and dark”

Gon Freecss and a boy talking to a long-haired man in Hunter x Hunter

In Ging’s absence, Gon is hunter x hunter It was Kite, Ging’s student. When Kate senses enemies Jack-Jack and Kitia can’t fight, he orders them to flee. They hesitated, the chimera Neferpitou ant attacked, and the kite lost its protective arm.

When they escape, Young-jae insists the kite is too strong to die and that they will train until they are strong enough themselves to save him. However, the episode ends with Neferpitou holding Kite’s severed head in his lap: he loses, and the mission to rescue Gon is over.

“Mistakes and Souls”

A man with a scar looks confused in Hunter x Hunter

Kurapika’s goal is to avenge his slain clan and regain their Scarlet Eye, a rare body part that their assassin Phantom Troupe is trying to steal. In this episode, after working with the Mafia in York City to reach the troupe, he receives bad news: the troupe leader is dead and his revenge item has been stolen.

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Worse still, he must win a pair of Red Eyes for his owner in the auction, which means they will also never be available. Kurapika tragically returns alone, forced to hand over the remains of her murdered relatives to a rich girl who sees them only as a glamorous commodity.

“This day and this moment”

Two people talking to each other on the bedroom floor in Hunter x Hunter

Meruem’s character arc is one of the most dynamic on the show. As the chimera ant king, he begins the life of a heartless monster that considers all other life worthless compared to himself and ends as a humble man receiving human value. Nowhere is this more evident than in his relationship with his companion, Komugi.

Meruem’s battle with President Netero, hunter x hunterThe strongest hunter, let him die of radiation poisoning, which he passed on to Komugi. The two calmly accept their fate, choosing to spend their last minutes together playing Gungi, the board game they first got acquainted with. After the match, Koki first calls his name instead of his title, and they die in each other’s arms.

“Rage and Light”

Just surrounded by momentum, a shadow floated behind him

Throughout the film, Jay always relies on his boundless optimism to overcome psychological trauma, believing that as long as he is strong enough, all problems can be solved. The episode happened when that optimism finally let him down. His downfall explodes when he finds Kate dead and he can’t save him.

In order to avenge the killer who killed the kite, Xiaojie unleashed her mind power to a terrible extent and destroyed her own body in exchange for the power to beat Nafpitu to death with her bare hands. Kiya doesn’t have time to stop him, and can only scream in horror as Jae-Jon’s final blow flattens the forest and destroys his body. Kiya’s prophecy in “Crash and Awakening” proved to be true: Jack’s inability to deal with grief alone and his refusal to let anyone help led to his death.

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