18 questions you need to ask yourself before uploading that photo

ask yourselfThis is a shame-free zone: it’s okay to love social media to the point of obsession. Go ahead, Instagram your next 24 hours. Tweet about the monotony of your journey home! Log in to your house on Facebook. We don’t judge, because we love these things.

And just like everyone else who lives their lives on the Internet, we know that part of the protocol is to regularly post all sorts of photos, be it a selfie in a car, a picture of a spectacular sunset, a bagel at Starbucks, a screenshot of a funny chat message or a stylized inspirational quote. However, after an hour or so of browsing your usual internet sites, you’ll find yourself getting increasingly impatient and annoyed as you’re bombarded with a series of photos that aren’t exactly the best. Or, on the other hand, after a few glasses of wine, you might think it’s time to post those 500 photos of your trip to Florida. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

No one wants to be “that guy” or “that girl” when it comes to social media. To that end, here are some questions you should ask yourself when posting that photo on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, or wherever. And answer honestly, OK?

1. Are you having a great hair day or is your outfit cute?

etc selfie

Everyone has one of those days, and you are absolutely allowed to celebrate. Feel free to take a selfie at a good angle, brighten your face with the Rise filter, and upload it to Instagram. There’s no need to force a Facebook upload—all your friends who would appreciate it are probably on Instagram anyway. And there’s something about selfies on Facebook or Twitter (especially those pushed off Instagram) that just seems too indulgent. That’s a much more acceptable Instagram habit, so let’s leave it at that. Also, don’t post a selfie every day. It just makes everything sad…

2. Are you covering a family event?

family fb albumIf it’s your family, go ahead and share an album about it on Facebook – your relatives on the page will appreciate you for it. Just make sure you take more pictures of people you actually know than photos of random strangers. If you’re already planning to put up an album worth of pictures on Facebook, don’t post those photos on Instagram. We’re already seeing one photo at a time as it is, so don’t be a jerk clogging up the feed. If you really can’t be stopped, make a photo collage and limit the following of the family gathering to one Instagram picture. Two at the most, actually, no one else cares about your cousin’s graduation and the subsequent barbecue. But your family does! So Facebook album away!

If it’s someone else’s family, unless someone specifically asked you to take their photo, don’t bother posting it online. That’s creepy.

3. How many photos of babies did you take today?

instagram babiesUm…so is your baby wearing an adorable t-shirt? Okay, go ahead and post the photo on Instagram and Facebook, where cuteness is generally celebrated. However, if you feel pretty happy with a camera phone and think twenty micro-expressions of your baby are worth it, keep them on the phone and the phone only. One best photo of the baby per day is acceptable, it is preferable if it is kept in a photo album on Facebook like “My Baby’s Milestones” or something like that. Moderation of people.

4. No children? Cute dog and/or cat?

tumblr dogsYour pet is a lot like your child, so apply the same rules I just mentioned to animal photos – limit yourself to one photo per day on Facebook or Instagram, or keep them on your phone or computer. If your furry friend has a particularly special expression, be sure to upload it to Tumblr too, where it will always be well received. Better yet, grab an animated GIF app and go to town; we all know how much the Tumblrsphere will appreciate that.

Honestly though, make it a special moment. Considering how fast the internet is going, we’ll never run out of cute animal photos. Do not worry.

5. Did you just have a hilarious conversation with someone?

herpesImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Share your screenshot on Twitter or Facebook, where you can enjoy a larger version of the photo. Uploading to Tumblr is also an option – even better, connect your Tumblr to Facebook and Twitter to get a nice little integration and keep everything together. Skip Instagram – please. Please.

6. Did you just photograph the sunset?

fb sunsetOh man, congratulations on seeing that thing that happens every day, everywhere, ever! Sorry I had to. Is the photo pretty amazing as is, without editing? As in, you used a DSLR and set manual settings and everything? Then feel free to make it your new Facebook or Twitter cover photo. If you shot it with your phone and it will only look good if you saturate the hell out of it, head to Instagram. It doesn’t pass to go. Don’t collect $200. Do not post on Facebook. Seriously, any Facebook album called “Sunsets” will get about two likes from your parents. Just don’t even go through the trouble.

7. Is the thing you are going to photograph food?

ribsImage used with permission of the copyright holder

OK food porn and photo sharing is kind of a controversial topic (Side note: Don’t you love that this is a controversial topic!?). So you need to ask yourself a series of sub-questions to this question: Is this an exotic or strange meal – for example, are you going to eat a giraffe (that’s sad, don’t do it, they’re cute)? Okay, the caption thing is interesting, and you don’t have any restrictions on where you post. Is your meal skillfully arranged, that is, a cookie in the shape of the Millennium Falcon? Again, upload it where you want, although we’d argue that some Instagram images and hashtags will only make it better.

Is it a PB&J sandwich? Not. Absolutely not. No photo, no way, no way. Is it a regular steak dinner, but you just want to brag about going to a fancy restaurant? Again, no. That’s just sad.

8. Are you taking a picture?

mona liIf you went to the Museum of Modern Art in New York in person and saw a beautiful masterpiece in the flesh, get involved in a photo to commemorate the event and feel free to share it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Don’t bother photographing just the artwork – that’s what Google Images is for.

If you just like the image but haven’t really seen it, I guess you can upload or re-pin it to Pinterest. Skip other social networks. For Google’s sake, skip it.

9. Is it a night date?

night date on instagramIf you’re in a blissful relationship, chances are we already know about it… no need to rub it in anyone’s face. If your date is celebrating an anniversary, you can make a collage of sorts and post one (just one!) Twitpic or Instagram picture, and OK, on ​​Facebook so you can mark it as a lifetime event. Anything more than that is considered bragging rights – save your shots for your photo albums at home where you and your loved one can enjoy them alone. If you go overboard and upload a photo from your weekly date, you’ll collectively piss off the world. If you have to, you have to – just for Instagram. We’re interrupting you!

10. Are you getting crafty?

tumblr how photosIf you’re going to write detailed instructions with your photos, skip uploading your photos to social media – write a blog post and share the link on Facebook and Twitter – don’t keep everything there. Share a shot of the final product on Instagram or Pinterest, of course.

11. Are you at a super-scary concert?

That's me with the MrazWomen sign ahead.That’s me with the MrazWomen sign ahead. Image used with permission of the copyright holder

If you’re in the nosebleed section known as General Admission, take one photo of the crowd, upload it to Instagram, apply a filter and be done with it – push a one-time upload to Facebook or Twitter. There’s no need to shoot or share more than that, unless you’re in the front row—in which case, take one close-up photo and upload it to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. So put down your damn phone and just enjoy the show, will you?

12. Are you with someone famous?

jam with frostingImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Be sure to upload to all your social media accounts. This is one of those situations where multicasting is warranted, so take it and run! Do whatever you want, it’s Jason Freakin’ Mraz!!!! Yes, exactly! That’s me with Mraz!

13. Do you have your favorite movie quote in fancy typography?

pinterest quotesIf you’re gifted with graphic design skills, the best places for your masterpieces are Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram (Instagram is almost a stretch – if you’re really following the rules, let’s stick to the first two). The users there are your people, don’t be afraid. If it’s someone else’s work, just pin it to Pinterest.

14. Think your fake duck face is too cute not to post?

instagram duckfaceIt’s not, so don’t even think about it.

15. Are you about to do something you’ve never done before?

fb ziplineThis is another situation where multiple uploads are totally justified, screw the social media police. Now take a skydiving selfie and be sure to post it not only on Instagram, but also on Facebook and Twitter. But don’t blame us if your phone breaks.

16. Is that your baby?

tbt instagram Post it on Instagram, but only on Thursdays. You can send to Twitter with the appropriate hashtag.

17. How drunk are the subjects of this photo?

drunk collegeVery? Are you over 21 but under 25? OK then, but ask people to tag themselves (or not at all) and maybe make an album that can only be seen by a certain set of your social circles (not you, parents!). Over 25 and still want to upload that crappy picture? The above rules apply, but be prepared for some “we’re too old for that” type of disdain. Stay away from Instagram and Twitter as you can’t control who sees your stream.

18. How drunk are you? Now?

drunk facebookingAs a kind of continuation, immediately ask yourself – how drunk are you? Little? A lots of? Or maybe you’re just really tired – it’s 4am and you’ve decided to start uploading photos! Step away from the computer, my friend. If you are overly emotional, drunk, or tired, just wait until you feel a little healthier. You might think that in your country, a photo of you and your ex is a sign of friendship. It’s not. That’s strange.

Editor’s recommendations

Categories: GAMING
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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