3 Ninjas Kick Back Is The Third Entry – But Was Released Second

3 Ninja fight back is the second in the series to hit theaters — although technically the third. original movie 3 ninjas Released in 1992, it tells the story of three brothers whose Maori grandfathers (Victor Wong, Big trouble in small China). Their father is also an FBI agent on the hunt for a dangerous criminal named Snyder who also happens to have some ninja followers. In the end, Snyder tries to kidnap the boys to test their fighting skills.

3 ninjas Inspired by the success of the 1990s Ninja Turtles And home alone, the film even features a scene where the three main characters fend off home intruders with animated traps. The film made an impression on younger audiences, grossing close to $30 million in the US alone. The film was also directed by Jon Turteltaub, who eventually directed both films National treasures movies and meg with Jason Statham.

original 3 ninjas made on a low budget, which means a sequel is almost certain. The sequel appears as 3 Ninja fight back In 1994, Colt, Tum-Tum and Rocky went to Japan with their grandfather. Despite the increased budget and scale, the film was a dismal box office success and received mostly poor reviews. Fans of the original film may have noticed that only Max Elliott Sladebe a parent) reverted to the Colt name, while Tum-Tum and Rocky were recast. This is especially strange because the next entry – 3 fingers ninja – All three original actors are back. Because 3 fingers ninja It was actually shot right after the first movie was released in 1992.

The sequel to 3 Ninja Strikes Back

distribution problem 3 fingers ninja That meant it was folded and finally released in 1995, a full three years after filming. So despite being the second film to be released, 3 Ninja fight back Really the third entry in the entire series. It is also the only game with a video game adaptation, available for the Sega Mega Drive, SNES, and even Sega 3D. 3 fingers ninja The box office after release was also not better and quickly slipped out of the cinema.

The series ended in 1998 3 Ninja: Afternoon on the giant mountainIt gives some star power in the form of Hulk Hogan (Team A), but the fourth is the lowest-grossing installment in the series.release 3 Ninja fight back Before the second film was actually a strange turning point in the history of the franchise – especially for those who’ve re-watched the series – but considering that there aren’t any very good sequels, it’s… perhaps the only thing they are worth . Note everything.

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