6 shocking revelations from Discovery’s Jared From Subway: Catching a Monster docuseries

In 15 years from 2000 to 2015, Jared Fogle, an average Joe from Indiana, became a global sensation. The young man, who was described by his high school classmates as morbidly obese, surprised everyone when he lost 245 kilograms in one year at university. Even more shocking was the diet he was following: he ate Subway sandwiches every day.

It was a marketers dream and Subway immediately embraced the story, leading to one of the largest, longest running and most successful fast food campaigns in history. Meanwhile, Fogle earned $15 million at the height of his fame. But behind the cheerful demeanor was a private life full of dark secrets.

The rise and fall of Jared Fogle is featured in the three-part documentary series Discovery+ Jared from Subway: Catching Monsters. While most people know the gist of the charges, including that Fogle is now serving over 15 years on child sex tourism and child pornography charges, some of the more revealing details from the documentaries are enough to raise one’s hair on end. .

Note: some of the content discussed in this article is disturbing.

What Jared Fogle whispered in the reporter’s ear

Rochelle Herman-Walrond interviewed for the documentary Jared from Subway.

The entire investigation began with a seemingly innocuous statement in Jared’s eyes. But the woman he spoke to, journalist and radio host Rochelle Herman-Walrond, was so disturbed by his words that she felt she had to do something about it. Although she didn’t reveal his true feelings, she couldn’t help the fact that his words were a clear indication that he was probably a pedophile.

What did he say? As the two sat together in school, ready to record the interview, Fogle leaned in and whispered a comment about how she “thought high school girls were attractive.” That statement shook Herman-Walrond. She knew something was wrong. In the days that followed, her words consumed her, prompting an amateur investigation.

The FBI knew that Fogle was a pedophile, but couldn’t do anything about it.

Returned image of Jared Fogle and Sharon Herman-Walrond in Jared from the Subway.

Fans might wonder why Herman-Walrond didn’t immediately go to the police. She noted that she knew nothing would come of it because he had no real proof, and Fogle could easily tell that she had misheard him. She decided to try to find evidence by recording her conversations with him. When she finally took her tapes to the FBI, she learned that while they contained incriminating evidence of at least sexual interest in minors, none of it will hold up in court. She obtained the footage illegally without first informing him that she was filming him.

Most disturbing: Herman-Walrond discovered that he technically committed a crime in doing so. The only way out for him was to continue doing what he was doing, this time working directly with the FBI as part of an official investigation. This process went on for years, with the FBI stating that they could not charge Fogle until there was an overt act or proof that he actually did what he said he did.

The price that Herman-Walrond’s life cost

Rochelle Herman-Walrond from Subway's Jared walking on the beach.

Everyone hears Jared’s story, but few have heard Herman-Walrond’s point of view, even though she was instrumental in bringing him to justice. The documentarians spent a lot of time talking with Herman-Walrond. He talked about how his conversations with Fogle became increasingly graphic and disturbing, to the point where he would often vomit after hanging up.

He talked about the cost of his life and the lives of his children, leaving them home alone to deliver the tapes to the FBI and causing his daughter to withdraw and act badly. She remembers with horror the moment when her daughter found the diary she had written that recorded the telephone conversations with Jared. To this day, Herman-Walford remains estranged from her daughter, while her son decided to move to Taiwan and has not returned to the US.

Jared’s disgusting words

Shared photo of Jared Fogle when he was overweight and after losing weight, holding his oversized jeans in scenes from Jared from Subway.

The most shocking of the documentaries is Fogle’s entire words, heard on the Herman-Walrond tapes, saying horrible and sick things about the children. It’s no surprise that docu-series include multiple title cards in each episode that warn about the explicit nature of the content viewers will be hearing.

In a particularly disturbing case, Fogle recalls his experiences in Thailand. He talks about how easy it was to do the things he wanted without risking getting into trouble. When he heard this, Herman-Walrond says that his “soul was blackened.”

The birthday party that didn’t happen

Jared from Subway: Catch Monsters | Official trailer | ID card

Herman-Walrond talks about the birthday party the FBI threw for her after she said the case cost her and her children their lives. She couldn’t do it much longer and she begged for a quick fix. The idea was to pretend that her son was having a birthday party with many children and that Herman-Walrond invited Fogle. She also hinted that he might meet small children there.

Fogle took the bait, even going so far as to ask Herman-Walrond about his children, causing Herman-Walrond to now fear for the safety of his own children. But the idea was that the FBI would have reason to arrest Fogle after he crossed state lines with the intent to engage in sexual activity with a minor. However, a last-minute change in his schedule meant that Fogle was unable to attend the fake party, preventing the cheating from taking place and allowing her to continue his illegal and immoral behavior.

Russell Taylor’s participation

Close-up of a photograph of Russell Taylor from the Subway documentary series Jared.

Russell Taylor was working for the American Heart Association when Fogle met him while attending classes with Subway. He eventually hired Taylor to run his foundation. Taylor, however, reportedly shared the same tendencies as Fogle, and together they became a toxic couple. After it was discovered that Taylor had been secretly filming his stepdaughters in his house, with hidden cameras in private areas such as bedrooms and bathrooms, the two young women discovered that he was doing much worse. They said he and his mother openly discussed sex with them, even as preteens.

In one case, a daughter recalls Taylor teasing her for not being sexually active at age 12 and once leaving a sex toy and a computer open to play pornography on her bed. “It scared me,” she said. The daughters believe that she did these things so that they would be in front of the camera so that she could use the images for her films. Ironically, when Taylor was arrested, Fogle issued a statement saying that he was appalled by Taylor’s actions and that he had cut ties with Taylor for her foundation. However, messages between Taylor and Fogle that were later found by authorities ultimately set the raid on Fogle’s home in motion.

The first two episodes Jared from Subway: Catch Monsters now available on ID and Discovery+.

editor’s recommendations

Categories: GAMING
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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