Abandonment of animals : a shock campaign against the death penalty

The Foundation 30 million friends recalled that 60 000 cats and dogs are abandoned each summer in France. “In France, the death penalty no longer exists, exce

The Foundation 30 million friends recalled that 60 000 cats and dogs are abandoned each summer in France.

“In France, the death penalty no longer exists, except for the innocent ! Each year, thousands of abandoned animals are euthanized”. With this slogan, the Foundation 30 million friends launches this Thursday, a shock campaign against drop-outs in the summer time.

On a poster, a dog, the beseeching eyes, held in leash by a man in a hallway and the hashtag #nonalabandon designed to educate the public. Each summer, nearly 60,000 dogs and cats are abandoned. The pound, a cat five is euthanized, ” says the Foundation, which provides assistance to more than 200 shelters.

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“When a person abandons his dog or his cat, it can lead to death because the shelters are saturated and the put to death is prescribed by law, as provided by article L211-25 the rural code”, says Reha Hutin, president of the Foundation 30 million friends. “Forsaking the companion of his life, he also condemned to death !”, lance-t-elle.

Euthanasia that affects “many innocent people”

When an animal arrives at the pound, “at the end of a period free of guard of eight working days, if the animal has not been claimed by its owner, it is considered abandoned. When there’s no more room in the shelters, if the veterinarian finds the need, he proceeded to the euthanasia of the animal,” she says.

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And according to defenders of animals, euthanasia concerns in fact many “innocent”. In the largest group of pounds in France, 2% of dogs are “put to sleep”. A rate multiplied by 10 for cats (21%), is the Foundation which aims to tackle the causes of abandonment with ten proposals to the government.

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Prohibiting the sale of dogs that are not entered in the studbook French (LOF), mandating the sterilization of cats or a permit of detention of an animal, are part of the “solutions” proposed. A petition to the attention of the minister of Agriculture Didier Guillaume is also online on the social networks, to the address www.nonalabandon.com.

Date Of Update: 18 June 2020, 19:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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