Act bioethics : a new step soon to be taken to the Assembly

MPs will have to adopt the societal icon text this Friday evening, which opens the LDCS to all women. Last row on the right to review the draft law on bioethics

MPs will have to adopt the societal icon text this Friday evening, which opens the LDCS to all women.

The last line is the right to consider the draft law on bioethics by the Assembly. After a split within the majority and sometimes complicated votes, this Friday night the MPs must adopt this symbolic text that opens the LDCS to all women.

Second reading debates began on Monday, the last week before the summer break. Finishing the discussion on more than 2,000 submitted amendments in this short time is a challenge.

Members could still serve on Saturday if necessary on this extensive text socially unsettles the right, the wind that stands against the creation of “fatherless fathers,” and raises questions in all political groups, most of them understand. With the ultimate pressure, Manif for all released two bouquets of balloons in front of the Palais Bourbon on Friday morning with the inscription “Stop “LDCS”.

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The flagship measure, the openness of medically assisted reproduction (PMA) to lesbian couples and single women promised by Emmanuel Macron was confirmed on Wednesday night without incident, with a few votes against the current in almost all camps, as in the first reading it takes nine months. The bill also provides for the reform of the filial relationship with the LDCS, the self-preservation of eggs and the easier search of embryonic stem cells.

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There were 850 more time changes mid-day on Friday, with debate over a sensitive measure, the expansion of pre-implantation diagnosis to look for chromosomal abnormalities (PGD-A).

This measure, which the Assembly repeated last fall but postponed the debate, represents a casus belli for the right, which does not agree with “eugenics” by “sorting embryos.” The government is also against it, but the “walkers” in the advanced support of the CIO-A, which would be optional and would reduce abortions, defend it.


This is not the only provision subject to a vote and poses a risk to the government, which has urged upstream to maintain “balance”. On Thursday, against the advice of Secretary of State Adrien Cleat, the Assembly, by voting very close to the votes of children born with gamete donation before the law, could also use the new device for accessing origins proposed in this law. text.

Also against government recommendations, lawmakers have allowed parents who want to have access to aggregated and non-identifying donor data before most of their children. “We could have been exempted from this provision,” said Adrien Cleat. The government has the option to request a new consideration before the final vote on the entire law.

MPs expected a review of “a bit more rock’n’roll” than the first reading, with some LREM just wanting to “let it go”. The leader of the majority group on this text, Aurora Bergé, believes that “the debates managed to maintain the height of the view” in the initial phase. On the “top line”, “we have found and maintain a balance of ethics, that is recognizing the GPA of children born abroad, or opening the LDCS and for everyone, but not post mortem”.

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The assembly also rejected the technique of ROPA, the donation of eggs from several women for PMA, despite the passionate advocacy of the co-rapporteur, Jean-Louis Touraine (LREM).

on Friday, exchanges were based on the following aspects. Left-leaning and part of the majority that wanted to sign an end to all discrimination against gay blood donors, Health Minister Olivier Véran, very committed, pledged to move forward with “regulation” based on scientific recommendations.

Read our full file

Law, bioethics and LDCS: the Assembly’s new green light for filiation reform The National Assembly votes again on opening the LDCS to all women, the draft law on bioethics: on the right, opponents fight to be heard

The issue of recreational genetic testing has sparked family history narratives from a number of lawmakers, again divided over their authorization. Without a green light, okay, these tests are somewhat “reliable” according to the government. The bill will still have to be debated in the Senate, possibly not until January 2021, before members of both chambers try to find a compromise version.

Date of update: July 31, 2020, 10:58 am

Categories: Optical Illusion

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