After weeks spent watching porn, this neural network can identify adult film stars

facial recognitionBrain-inspired artificial neural networks are at the forefront of artificial intelligence, used to keep self-driving cars racing down our roads, offering instant translations between dozens of languages, and even aiding in medical diagnosis.

Oh, and they can also be used to identify porn stars in one shot.

Guessing which of these purposes probably won’t come as much of a surprise to the so-called Pornstar.ID (NSFW) startup. A facial recognition startup (stop laughing at the end of class!) is one of the most unlikely applications of neural networks we’ve ever heard of, but it still shows that there really is no limit to where you can appearing AI in our… err, other people’s daily lives.

“Pornstar.ID is a deep neural network-based facial recognition implementation,” creator Mike Conrad told Digital Trends. “The general workflow is as follows: First, we first detect faces by real-time pose estimation and transform the detected faces so that the eyes and lower lip appear at the same location in each image. In the next step, we use our deep neural network to represent the face in a hypersphere of 128-dimensional units.”

The network, Conrad continued, trained on more than 650,000 faces from more than 7,000 adult performers. “We’re 70 percent accurate in 1:N and over 99 percent accurate in 1:1 classification,” he said. Currently, users can upload photos to the Pornstar.ID website or send a tweet and then find out who the person is in a matter of seconds. If the individual is not known, several “similar” artists are listed.

“The people behind Pornstar.ID have been adult webmasters since the early days of the internet, so we’ve always been connected to and interested in the online adult business,” he explained. “With the great advances in facial recognition technology in recent years and the increasing demand for people identification in adult films, starting this project was a no-brainer.”

Although the system currently only works with photos, Conrad wanted to point out that the service is expanding this year.

“We are still in beta mode and in February we will release a version with a much improved version of the classifier and an improved interface,” he said. “In addition, our current private API will be open to third parties, such as tube sites, with video support, to automatically tag adult performers.”

Automatic identification of individuals simply by watching your videos? Regardless of how the technology is used, it would be quite an exciting development!

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