Again, a Bust! Next popular fashion chain was forced to declare bankruptcy

Strong online competition makes fashion chains. He has now signed on with K&L and Gerry Weber for another company’s insolvency. Köngen – active fash throughout Germany

Strong online competition makes fashion chains. He has now signed on with K&L and Gerry Weber for another company’s insolvency.

Köngen – German active fashion retail chain, AWG has filed for insolvency in self-administration. The reason for this step is the warm autumn and the failed fiscal year 2018, according to the company. The retail chain from Köngen (Baden-Württemberg), with around 2,900 employees and almost 300 stores, now wants to develop again.

“AWG’s business continues despite the initiation of the protective shield without restriction,” general agent and attorney Martin Mucha said Monday. Salaries and wages will be secured until the end of April.

Online Store Makes Creation Necklaces – Gerry Weber and K&L in Bankruptcy

With self-management, management remains in society. Your lawyer as the so-called property, plant, and Walter, who was appointed by the court did. If self-management goes wrong, he as manager could take complete control.

Many companies in the industry have suffered losses recently, also due to growing online competition. Just last week, fashion manufacturer Gerry Weber from North Rhine-Westphalia registered bankruptcy with the self-government. Also, K&L from Weilheim in Upper Bavaria is in trouble.


Updated date: February 4, 2019, 12:02 a.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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