Alerts konkursras: – It is urgent

The TV boy who takes you on vacation on Monday, the Dagbladet newspaper about the events industry that is not covered by government subsidies. Jan Fredrik Karlsen

TV tips that take you on vacation

on Monday, the Dagbladet newspaper about events in the industry that are not covered by state subsidies. Jan Fredrik Karlsen said that he fears that he and his employees will be out of work for a while.

A recent member survey, conducted by Opinion for the Sponsor Awards, shows that only a quarter of the 70 members surveyed believe that businesses will survive in the third quarter of 2020, if business as usual continues.

This study emphasizes seriousness. It is urgent that we sit down at the table and that someone help us along the way to find out who is responsible for us,” Jan Fredrik Karlsen told Dagbladet.

The sponsor will have the support of the director in the awards ceremony.

– If a large part of the Norwegian events industry does not collapse, we need better and more personalized long-term emergency assistance, Janette Haukland tells Novina.

They run the risk of losing their job. They are not entitled to help

Haukland says she’s not surprised by the outcome of the investigation.

We’ve seen this happen for a while, and so far we’ve been trying to work against the government. It was a much bigger job than we thought,” she says.

Haukland says that eventbyråer has no right to support canceled events, such as culture and sports.

SHUTTLECOCK: Janette Haukland, CEO of Sponsor’s Awards, believes that the industry has gone from one department to another. Photo: Sponsor Awards. Show more

Financial support to the industry is also affected, which is very bad for us, when we are a proyektoorientiert industry with large seasonal fluctuations in the income stream,” he says.

She believes that the ministries do not know who is responsible for the events industry.

When Knut Opinion from one of our member companies set up shop at Dagsnytt 18 to discuss a critical situation, the interviewee was constantly exposed because the ministries didn’t know who should be speaking,” he says.

– arrogance

Knut Mean is the Chairman of the Board of Komon Stageway, one of the largest eventbyråers in the country. He says he hopes the government will wake up soon and jokes that maybe he should take a closer look at the issue, as he was one of the writers behind Jahn Teigen’s signature hit “The Optimist.”

ORIGINAL REVIEWS: Knut Mean is the Chairman of the Board of Komon Stageway. He believes that the government is too arrogant in its treatment of the events industry. Photo: Kyrre Lien / Scanpix Show more

It comes with withering criticism of the government for being strong-willed and arrogant in its treatment of the events industry.

– They have not yet managed to give a concrete answer to which department we belong. They show arrogance towards an industry that has been in operation for several thousand years and sells more than four billion a year. We were the first to close and we are the last to return, it thunders and heads to Novine.

do not match

The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Fisheries told Dagbladet on Monday that the events industry is covered by the principle of two compensation schemes, the kontantstøtteordningen and compensation for canceled or postponed cultural events.

Include user LydErrorAllerede plus? Login to herHARD error: Norwegian Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø means she can’t guarantee pengesnusk won’t happen. Reporter: Mats Ronning. Photo: Bjorn Langsem. Show more

Janette Haukland says this is completely wrong and a clear expression of the ministry’s understanding.

– We are not on the list of subcontractors. The list of examples only includes providers for a cultural event. They don’t bring with them what the event manages, meaning eventbyråene and other subcontractors in the events industry,” she says.

Looking For

State Secretary Lucie Katrine Sunde-Eidem (V) responded in an email that “the industry has had access to most of the general information for the business community regarding the coronavirus pandemic, and recently various actors at events cultural have been involved”.

It notes that they can claim compensation for losses and additional costs as a result of postponed or canceled events in the cultural sector between May 1 and September 1. Institutions that are covered will be able to recover 50 percent of their lost earnings.

– The government’s goal is to help improve the situation in the events industry, which has been hit hard by the corona-related storm, he says.

art can help summer, fired 75 percent

70 members responded to the survey of sponsors and eventforeningens. Nearly half of the agencies planned more than 50 events in 2020. Most canceled many of their events.

6 out of 10 agencies responded that they had to lay off more than 75 percent of the workforce.

The newspaper tried to get a comment from the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Fisheries without getting a response. On Monday, the newspaper was in contact with the Ministry of Culture, which contacted the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Fisheries regarding the Bransjen event.

It should include

I create an association for art and culture, it organizes musicians and artists. They say that eventmarketet makes up a significant part of their members’ annual income.

YOU MUST BE INVOLVED: As a forbundsleder, Hans Ole Rian believes that it is only natural that the events industry should be included in stødeordningene for culture. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix Show more

– Many of our audio and lysteknikere, and those who are employed in different companies in the industry and many freelancers, also depend on a sustainable eventbranje, says Creos forbundsleder, Hans Ole Rian for the newspaper.

He believes that eventmarketet should be involved in supporting examples.

In any case, the part of the market that drives kulturnæring. It can also be said that this industry falls between two chairs: the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Culture, once again showing that we need a review of how kulturnæringene belong to departments, he says.

Crisis for artists

In a survey conducted by Creo in collaboration with OsloMet, it was found that 43 percent of its self-employed members expect a 50 percent or more drop in income between 2019 and 2020.

– If the event market collapses now, I am afraid that many of these people will have big problems paying the loans, paying the rent and continuing in the cultural industry.

For the artist Rein Alexander, the US has changed significantly in the coronatide and the outlook is very uncertain. He usually does ten to twenty assignments in the events industry a year.

– I notice it very well, he hasn’t worked for several months. The events industry is certainly not today, so it is clear that we (artists in Norway, journ.anm.) are in financial difficulties now, he says for Dagbladet.

Norwegian journalist in trouble with Hollywood

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Visit the Dagbladet debate! Update Date: August 5, 2020, 12:17 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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