An optical illusion reveals whether you are a secret mind reader or more logical, but it all depends on what you notice first.

The first thing you see in this clever optical illusion may reveal more about your hidden personality traits than you think.

It all depends on what you see first though, so don’t overthink it.

Did you see the cat or the heeled shoe first?


Were you the first to see a cat or a heeled shoe? Credit: tiktok/@mia_yilin

The illustration shows a woman’s foot in a black high-heeled shoe, but keen-eyed observers may notice something else first.

The shoe is actually a black cat stretching out its front paws with its long tail upraised.

But did you see the cat or the shoe first?

According to Mia Yilin, who shared the illusion on TikTok, both mean something very different.

If you were the first to see a cat, you are probably an emotionally intelligent person who is very in tune with other people’s thoughts and feelings.

“You’re great at reading other people’s minds from their behavior and expressions,” Mia said.

Because of this, he knows how to deal better with different people and is a “social professional” as a result.

However, if you have seen a high heel for the first time, you are more of a logical person who sees things as they are.

Mia explained, “If you’re in a dilemma, you’ll always make the morally right decision, even if it means hurting yourself or your relationships.”

She still makes a “big impression” on people, all thanks to her “wise and intelligent” nature.

“You have a mysterious and sophisticated aura about you, and you are also extremely attractive,” Mia added.

Viewers were blown away by how accurately the illusion revealed their true personalities.

One said: “I saw the cat first and it was me.”

Another agreed: “I saw a heel, you nailed it.”

Categories: Optical Illusion

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