Angelina Jolie optical illusion tricks you into seeing different colored eyes – does it fool you?

A STUNNING optical illusion leaves viewers feeling tricked by their eyes.

The trick is shown below in a head shot of Hollywood star Angelina Jolie.

Some viewers see two different eye colors in this picture


Some viewers see two different eye colors in this picture

Some viewers think they see two different eye colors.

One looks gray and the other blue.

In reality, both eyes are still gray, but they look different after a red filter is placed over one side of the image.

Illusionist Michael Bach demonstrated this optical illusion and offered an explanation on his blog.

He wrote: “If you’re like me, your left eye has a bluish tint, while your right eye is a neutral gray.

“And, as you probably guessed, both eyes are actually colorless and therefore identical.”

The illusion relies on color contrast to manipulate your eyes into seeing something that isn’t there.

Bach continued: “The reddish tint next to the eye shifts the neutral gray color of the eye to the opposing color, which is blue-green for red.

“Also, when your gaze travels around the red part of the face, the central part of your retina adapts a bit to the red color, so when it’s presented again with neutral gray, the opposing color is seen.”

The effect is weaker when the red side of the image is enlarged.

Optical illusions make a little more sense when you learn that our eyes have very little to do with what we see.

It is our brain that plays a key role in creating images and trying to protect us from potential threats around us.

When you look at an object, what you really see is the light that has bounced off it and entered your eye.

This is converted into electrical impulses which your brain then converts into an image.

The redder the image, the more obvious that both eyes are gray


The redder the image, the more obvious that both eyes are gray

Categories: Optical Illusion

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