Antoine Vey, a great talent of the bar, which has matured under the wing of Eric Dupond-Moretti

Since the appointment of the new Minister of Justice, a lawyer specializing in business criminal law has kept a firm hand, as well as the parties. Portrait. Is

Since the appointment of the new Minister of Justice, a lawyer specializing in business criminal law has kept a firm hand, as well as the parties. Portrait.

Now he is the lawyer of the mayor of the cabinet. At the age of 36, maestro Antoine Vey takes full control of Dupond-Moretti & Vey, hereafter known as Vey & Associates, following Justine’s co-founder Eric Dupond-Moretti’s appointment to the department on Monday past. He pledges, in a message posted on social networks, to “continue defending, with strength, courage and optimism.”

Graduated from the University of Cambridge, lawyer from the Paris and Geneva Bar Associations, professor at Sciences Po and the Training School of the Quebec Bar Association, he was trained by the best, Olivier Metzner and Patrice Spinosi, before the 2013 meeting, as he called it, “Release the guilty”… Antoine Vey is certainly part of the “legacy” of criminal business law.

“Talent for You”

After Eric Dupond-Moretti severed ties with his legal profession, according to Le Figaro, Antoine Vey completely inherited the firm’s clients, sometimes icons, such as Theo Luhaka, seriously injured in 2017 during a police arrest in Aulnay- sous bois. Antoine Vey assures that these clients, including Theo, “confirm that they want to continue with [him]”. A show of confidence in a young but already experienced lawyer. One of his clients described the “famous” in Paris as “a lawyer, fantastic [with] crazy talent.”

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The son of a pharmacist and a notary in le Puy-en-Velay, he then went to study at Sciences po because Antoine Vey discovered a passion for artistic competition, public speaking, according to The World. “Antoine came out of the lot in an extraordinary way. This niaca, there is only one every ten years,” recalls the chronicler Bertrand Périer, lawyer and expert in the art of oratory. He runs the most prestigious competition, the 2013 Paris Lawyers Conference. I liked to make people laugh, then make them think, and that’s sensual, he told the newspaper.

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one of his former colleagues from the Conference contacted by El Expreso, who wishes to remain anonymous, recalls “an exceptional speaker, eloquence, in his own flesh.” “After the competition, he liked to organize, and that’s how he got noticed.” And of the greatest, including Eric Dupond-Moretti. “He is one of the great talents of the bar, excellent at oral argument, plus he has a charming personality,” he adds. He was also described as “very witty and well known” by another of his former colleagues at the Conference, Nicolas Pottier, who was contacted by El Expreso.

His new partner, Archibald Celeyron, who advocated for the duo at the Abdelkader Merah trial, confirmed Antoine Vey’s talent, insisting on his “legal creative” side. “This is someone who is technically very strong, who likes to deal with major legal concepts. He is passionate about the law,” he told The Express.

His meeting with Eric Dupond-Moretti was a turning point in his career, which began on a prestigious path. Three years later, they join forces to build the entire Dupond-Moretti-Vey cabinet. The hips of the former tenor bar, Antoine Vey, are shown in many media: the Patrick Balkany business, Georges Tron, Cahuzac or the “Air Cocaine” flight.

“Verb Box” as Eric Dupond-Moretti

During the meeting with Eric Dupond-Moretti in 2013, Antoine Vey had just lost his father. Some see their relationship as a kind of father-son relationship. However, the main party rejects these interpretations. “I had a teacher-student relationship, but it stopped. Now we have a partner-related report,” he slices-t-it to the world. “He’s a bit of a mentor, although he wouldn’t want me to use that term,” adds his former Conference colleague. To this day, all professional relationships between the two are excluded “to avoid any conflict of interest or suspicion of a conflict of interest,” says the Parisian.

It was time to take over, although according to him, EDM had already distanced itself a bit, “we were in a phase in which I worked more and more alone, after the first few years everything was done in pairs”. His departure just speeds things up,” he said in Paris.

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But Antoine Vey is not following in the footsteps of Eric Dupond-Moretti, 59, “they walk side by side. They are two strong personalities, although they are not the same age or the same journey, they have different profiles and complement each other”. among themselves”. , I am a romantic”, as illustrated by Eric Dupond-Moretti, in El Mundo. Antoine Vey, he, describes himself as “methodical”, in the columns of the Parisian.

Several similarities appear, however, in their way of practicing the profession according to their former colleague: “They have a strong word, the ability to turn any situation around when their client is in trouble, they have that instinct of hearing, of lightning”. For Archibald Celyron, these are qualities found in “all good lawyers”. Little did the teacher have “some kind of influence” on the student, “they have points in common in their private life, both are pleasant to live with, they like humor, decompression, singing… Ground staff, they share a lot of values”, adds the partner of the law firm.

ambitious personality

As for public recognition, Antoine Vey assures that they do not suffer for being “icons or media”, like the new Minister of Justice. “I know this aspect of things: I have worked with Olivier Metzner, Patrice Spinosi and Eric, of course. Radio or television, I am there if the subject appeals to me or if there is a need for an absolute professional. Otherwise, no, I am not a precipitate”, develops the Parisian.

And yet, some of his former classmates at the 2013 Lecture describe him as “very, very ambitious, with one big problem: visceral recognition of his research.”

An appointment that an ex-colleague contacted by El Expreso rejects. From his point of view, “ambition is not an ugly word, to get to the big issues in the media when you are a young lawyer it is important to be ambitious, to have the will.” “He always knew where he was going, he gave the means to his ambitions”, says Nicolas Pottier.

Specialized in commercial criminal law and international practice, Antoine Vey has been able to diversify his activities and has developed a specialization in sports law, acting on behalf of various clubs, sponsors, agents and players”, reads his profile on the firm’s website.

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Before him is an “enormous challenge” that is announced. “It was a great challenge because the company is often run by one or two people, when one leaves you have to ensure a greater volume of work and a gigantic mass of folders,” warns his former colleague. But he has confidence in Antoine Vey and his team for the challenge. We “know the folders in which Eric was supposed to declare himself. We’ll talk, that’s not a problem. It’s just necessary to adjust the schedules,” says the Paris criminal lawyer.

Date Updated: July 12, 2020, 1:58 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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