At least 46 outbreaks of contamination detected in France, a hospital of the Vienna concerned

A new focus of the infection was identified on Saturday at the Loudun Hospital in Vienna after a long week of examination, according to the source Assoc.

The new outbreak was identified Saturday at Vienna’s Loudun Hospital after a long week of screening, according to the original association.

Since the beginning of deconfinement, two weeks ago, hot spots of contamination have been discovered throughout the country. There are currently at least 46 of them in total. Among them, one cluster is more concerned than the other.

It is located in Loudun Hospital in Vienna. The first case was discovered last week, prompting a widespread screening campaign. Results: Since then, 23 cases of Covid-19 have been identified, including 13 among staff, at the end of a week’s testing of more than 280 agents and patients from the site’s hospital. Express talks about it.

Fourteen new cases

Fourteen new cases, asymptomatic – seven from staff, seven patients, including geriatrics – were identified after a second wave of screening on Friday, the results of which were announced on Saturday at Loudun Hospital, said Olivier Goyer, delegate of the hospital’s CFDT.

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Seven employees of the hospital were dismissed due to illness and home isolation. The placement of positive patients is being determined, and some could be transferred to the University Hospital in Poitiers, in the sector dedicated to Covid-19, according to the same source.

The New-Aquitaine regional health agency could not be reached Saturday night to confirm the final assessment of the tests. Earlier, she indicated that in case of new cases, austerity measures, isolation of infected patients, sick staff and tracing of contacts will be initiated.

The first case of a transferred patient

Examinations at the Loudun location were launched after the first case discovered last week in the home of a patient who arrived at the Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) hospital, where a cluster was identified” shortly after his transfer to Loudun, explained the CHU in Poitiers on Friday.

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the first wave of tests was then carried out on twenty patients in the respective care unit and sixty agents. Two other patients and six staff members tested positive. The patients were transferred to the Covid-19 sector of the CHU in Poitiers, and the agents were placed in isolation between them.

About 300 people were tested

In agreement with the SIO, the CHU launched a new wave of levies on Friday for 84 patients and residents, and 142 employees of the Loudun nursing home and long-term care unit, according to the CHU.

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A CFDT delegate on Saturday expressed his “relief knowing that the whole world can be tested, and provisions as soon as they are taken, especially to staff members” have been put on sick leave.

in addition, the CHU in Poitiers also had to carry out this weekend, at the request of the LRA, a screening campaign of more than 350 residents or professionals from three long-term care facilities in Vienna: in Migne-Auxances, Château-Garnier and Vouneuil-sur-Vienne.

46 clusters identified in 15 days of deconfinement

Mechanically speaking, the lifting of the ban from May 11 must necessarily lead to an increase in the number of infections as contacts between people increase, the authorities warn.

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Thus, the public health of France identified 46 households infected throughout the territory. Basically, the first cases date back to the time before the protective measure was lifted. This is especially true for cases discovered in closed spaces, such as slaughterhouses, police stations, schools, long-term care facilities or, as in Loudun, hospitals. In detail, among the 46 clusters, 13 are located in institutions of social accommodation and integration, 9 in business, 8 in health institutions, according to the latest balance of public health in France, updated on Thursday.

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“The optimistic view is that the identification of the cluster is good news because it confirms the device’s ability to identify and break chains of transmission,” said Daniel Lévy-Bruhl, head of the Respiratory Infections Unit of Public Health in France. “The risk of a second wave exists, it’s up to us all to make sure that it doesn’t happen,” he adds.

Date of update: 24 May 2020, 07:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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