Barbara Pompili launches the charter for beaches without plastic waste

The letter has been “experimented” since 2019 and aims to contribute to the achievement of the objective set by the Biodiversity Plan of “zero plastic thrown into the sea by 2025”.

The letter has been “experimented” since 2019 and aims to contribute to the achievement of the objective set by the Biodiversity Plan of “zero plastic thrown into the sea by 2025”.

The Minister of Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, launched this Wednesday in Biarritz (Pyrenees-Atlantiques) a “letter of beaches without plastic waste” and encouraged coastal cities to join, it is a pity that we have messages in the stream that “they still have to go”. mask on the ground.

A dozen cities, including Biarritz, have already signed and “20 others want to commit”, according to Barbara Pompili, in favor of the letter, which lists 15 specific actions in the field of prevention, including awareness raising and cleaning.

Presented in 2019 by Brune Poirson, then Secretary of State for Environmental Transition, the Charter is “experimental” and aims to contribute to the Biodiversity Plan’s goal of “zero plastic thrown into the sea by 2025”.

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the importance of local

Pompili focused on the role of local associations and communities for these objectives. “We can make the most beautiful laws in the world, if it is not incorporated into internal law, it will not arrive,” he said, and invited “all the elected authorities of the coast” to sign the letter, “an easy project enough to enter the ecology,” he says.

Referring to the increase in the amount of plastic waste associated with the Covid-19 crisis, Bárbara Pompili recalled that “everyone can be an eco-citizen by avoiding throwing the mask on the ground”, while saying “we regret” that this species has not yet has received messages.”

ALSO READ >> Barbara Pompili, a small scratch in the cursed ministry

An influential environmental association of the Sepanso region (Society for the Study and Development of the South-West Nature), on the occasion of the visit of Bárbara Pompila, raised the alarm about the “Utrapoubelization of the coastal beaches during the concentrations “nocturnal savages” with beer, bottles, mégôts, cartons, glasses are often broken in the neighboring department of Landes.

Condemning the ministry’s response as “not worth it”, Sepanso assessed in a press release that, in order to avoid this “daily environmental disaster”, “this is not the time to launch a letter, but to mark an action plan, the urgent need to apply the laws and regulations in force”.

Date Updated: August 12, 2020, 3:58 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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