Bayonne : 6,000 people marched in white for the driver assaulted

The procession started from the bus stop where Philippe Monguillot, 59, was beaten and seriously injured in the head on Sunday. About 6,000 people dress up

The procession started from the bus stop where Philippe Monguillot, 59, was beaten and seriously injured in the head on Sunday.

About 6,000 people dressed in white took part in a march Wednesday night to honor a bus driver who was violently attacked in Bayonne, marching behind the victim’s wife and three daughters. The procession left around 19:30 from the bus stop where Philippe Monguillot, 59, was beaten and seriously injured in the head on Sunday, and joined the hospital where the latter is still in a desperate condition.

“My husband is not dead yet, his heart is beating, his head is not responding,” said his wife Veronica, 52 years old. “Hold on to a little hope. I’m a little lost, I don’t want to work hard, but we’re trying. Another 48 hours, after that we’ll see”. “This human tide is important, it’s incredible support,” she added moved, several times to the point of tears, with numerous applause and expressions of support.

Carrying a large photo of herself and her husband intertwined, she walked at the head of the parade with his daughters – Mary, 18, Manon, 21 and Melanie, 24, each holding a bouquet of white flowers. In particular, the local elected officials and employees of Chronoplus, the network of the Bayonne/Anglet/Biarritz conurbation, stand behind them.

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Aggression “extreme violence”

numerous observers on the sidewalks greeted the passing of the long procession, which, according to the police, consisted of about 6,000 people. Upon arrival, hospital workers were at the windows cheering. Calling the national intercity public transport of passengers, a minute of suspension of transit was to be observed in several cities of France at the time of the start of the walk, especially in Bordeaux, Rennes, Nantes, Strasbourg and Mulhouse.

Philip Monguillot’s aggression caused very violent emotions among his colleagues, who exercised their right to quit on Monday morning and ensured that they would not resume work “before the funeral”. During the white campaign, his wife addressed them: “All four [with his daughters], we have strength in us and we will fight, for us and for the guys from Chronoplus, love Philippe. I give you my word, boys.”

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According to the public prosecutor of Bayonne, the bus driver was the victim of an attack, of “extreme violence” after he wanted to check the ticket of one person and demanded the bow of the mask for the remaining three. Aged between 22 and 23 and known to the police, the two men suspected of carrying out the beatings were charged with attempted murder and jailed. Two more people in their thirties were arrested and charged, specifically for “failing to help a vulnerable person”.

Date of update: July 9, 2020, 02:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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