Beatrice Six Joseph White Bio, Cause Of Death, Family, Age

One of the Beatrice Six, Joseph White, is connected to the murder of 68-year-old Helen Wilson. On February 6, 1985, Helen lay in her apartment in Beatrice, Nebraska, having been sexually assaulted and murdered. On the day of her death, her relatives visited her. She was dropped off at her apartment that night. Her sister discovered her the next morning at 9:30.

The investigative team recovered the semen from swabs taken from the victim’s body. In addition, the victim’s clothing and bedding also contained blood stains. Investigators also discovered three fingerprints at Helena’s home, one on a knife and two on a door frame.

Blood tests failed to link the suspects to the initial investigation and they were not arrested. For this reason, the authorities are removing Bruce Allen Smith from the list of suspects.

Meet Joseph White, one of the Beatrice Six

Burdette Searcey, a former Beatrice police investigator who worked as a farmer, launched her own investigation. She interviewed several former confidential informants who helped her identify several people who frequented the area of ​​Wilson’s apartment, and the list included Joseph White. The others were Debra Shelden, Thomas Winslow, Ada Joann Taylor, Cliff Shelden, Mark Goodson, Beth Johnson, and Charlotte Bishop.

Burdette believed that the murder was the work of more than one person. The main suspects for him were Joseph, Ada Joann and Thomas. Two years after Helen’s murder, Jerry DeWitt became the Gage County Sheriff. After his appointment, he hired Burdette as a deputy sheriff.

Burdette was given permission by Jerry and Gage County Attorney Richard Smith to begin an official investigation into Wilson’s murder. Searcey had as his main witness a woman named Lisa Podendorf. Lisa claimed that at 7:30 a.m. on February 6, as police cars were parked outside Wilson’s apartment, Taylor confessed to Lisa that she and Joseph had committed the crime.

Lia also said that the night before the crime, she saw the car containing Ada Joann, Thomas, Joseph and Beth parked near Wilson’s apartment. Police first arrested Joseph, Thomas, and Ada Joann on March 15, 1989 after Burdette Searcey finalized a warrant for their arrest. However, Joseph denied any involvement in or knowledge of the crime.

Thomas, who was questioned by Burdette in 1985 before the official investigation, admitted that he had been at work the night of the crime, but Searcey discovered that this was a lie. On February 13, 1989, Thomas admitted that he lied about his whereabouts and claimed that he had lent his car to Ada Joann, Joseph, and Cliff Shelden on the night of the crime.

Thomas later claimed that on the night of February 5, 1985, while driving his car on Beatrice with Ada Joaan and Joseph, he overheard them discussing the robbery of an old woman. Ada and Joseph allegedly dropped him off at Bishop’s apartment and returned his car to him the next morning.

At first, Thomas denied his involvement in the crime, telling Burdette that he, Ada, Joseph, and Beth went to Wilson’s apartment. He added that Ada and Joseph attacked Wilson and that he left with Beth in a panic.

When Burdette questioned Ada Joann on March 16, 1989, she claimed that Joseph was her father, who was only a year older. She named a man named “Wolf” as an alias for Joseph, who allegedly committed the murder. In addition, she added that Joseph performed the money trick by dividing it in half (a broken half of a $5 bill was found at the scene) and that another person named “Beth” was present during the murder.

Burdette questioned Thomas again, who this time said that Ada and Joseph arrived at his apartment with blood on their clothes.

Cliff Shelden gave recorded testimony on April 12, 1989, after three and a half hours of questioning, stating that he had received a letter from Taylor three to four months after the murder in which Ada admitted to her involvement in the crime with Thomas and Joseph. . He also claimed that Winslow informed him of Wilson’s murder and that Ada, Joseph, Thomas, and Debra Shelden were present.

Cliff also admitted to James Dean’s involvement in the murder. Dean denied any involvement. Dean admitted to his presence in Wilson’s homicide unit along with Taylor, Winslow, White, and Debra Shelden. On May 17, 1989, Dean revealed that he witnessed Ada, Thomas, and Joseph sexually assaulting Helen.

Dean discovered new information with each additional interrogation.

On July 16, 1989, Dean said that he saw Joseph with a wad of bills in his hand and heard him tear a five-dollar bill in half.

When Burdette questioned Debra Shelden, she admitted to witnessing the murder when Joseph pushed her, causing her to hit her head and begin to bleed.

On November 9, 1989, a jury convicted Joseph of first-degree murder after Ada, James, and Debra Shelden testified and implicated him in the crime. Kathy Gonzalez, another suspect, also accused Joseph of instigating the idea of ​​the robbery with her. Josip was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Nebraska courts repeatedly denied appeals in the case until late 2007, when Joseph and Thomas finally obtained DNA evidence from crime scene semen.

Prosecutors confirmed that the results matched the profile of Bruce Allen Smith. The first major suspect right after the murder. But later, discredited lab analyst Joyce Gilchrist tampered with the lab report that helped him rule out a suspect. Authorities were unable to prosecute Smith because he died in Oklahoma in 1992.

Based on the forensic results, Joseph filed a motion to vacate the conviction. On October 15, 2008, the state vacated Joseph’s conviction and released him. The state also dropped all charges against Josip the same day. He served more than 18 years in prison.

Beatrice Six Joseph White Cause of death

As Beatrice Six reported, Joseph White was killed in a construction accident in Alabama in 2011. The cause was reportedly “crushed to death by an overhead crane killing him from blunt force trauma” where he was working a shift at a refinery. Coal at Tarrant.

Beatrice Six Joseph White Age at death

Supposedly born in 1962, Joseph White died at the age of 48.

Did Beatrice Six Joseph White leave a family behind?

Beatrice Six Joseph White was born to parents Lois Powell White and Carroll White.

In 2019, her mother spoke with lincoln diary star After the Supreme Court decision in 2019, he said: “My main goal in all of this was to clear his name and that the people who put him through everything he went through could be in the light for the world to see.”

At the time of his death, Joseph was planning to marry his former high school sweetheart, Paige Latham. They became close again after Josip’s imprisonment. Before his tragic death, shortly before receiving a promotion at work, he too bought a new car for the first time ever.

Lois also said that Joseph was “happier than ever.”

Joseph also had a son named Brandon Poteet. His brother Jeffery White preceded him in death. Meanwhile, his brother, Jason (Lisa) White; sisters Evelyn (Billy) Cox, Nancy (Joey) Aspinwall and Margaret White survive him.

Related FAQ

  • How much money did Beatrice Six Joseph White receive after a wrongful conviction?

The state of Nebraska decided to compensate Joseph White in the amount of 500 thousand dollars. Before his death she received $25,000 and his estate $475,000. A jury awarded his estate an additional $7.3 million in July 2016, a result the district unsuccessfully challenged in the United States Supreme Court in 2019.

  • Where was Beatrice Six Joseph White born?

Beatrice Six Joseph White was born in Cullman, Alabama.

  • Is there an obituary for Beatrice Six Joseph White?

If there. Click on the link to find the obituary for Beatrice Six Joseph White.

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