Becoming a Tech Freelancer: The How-To Guide

With more and more people working remotely, it’s easier than ever to start a new freelance career in technology. Being self-employed offers flexibility, control, and the ability to be your own boss, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility and requires self-initiative if you want to be successful.

Being your own boss can be liberating, but you also have to embrace the discipline and deadlines that a traditional manager would impose and take responsibility for them.

However, if you’re interested in working in the tech industry on your own terms, here’s your step-by-step guide to getting started as a tech freelancer.

Assembly of the necessary tools.

Before you start working for clients, you’ll need to gather all the supplies and tools you need to run your business and ensure there’s as little downtime as possible in the process.

While your specific needs will vary depending on the type of technical work you do, there are some essential tools that any freelancer can use:

  • Virtual Business Address – A virtual business address is key to making your freelance business look legitimate and professional. These addresses use the locations of staff and the app to provide you with the correct address to use for business and mailing purposes. You can consult all your correspondence from the comfort of your home without compromising your privacy or your professional image.
  • Accounting software: Freelancers are in charge of all aspects of their business, including finances. Accounting software is an indispensable tool that helps you keep track of billing, budgeting, taxes, etc. so you’re not drowning in bills when it’s time to file your taxes.
  • Project and Time Management Software – To stay organized and focused on your tasks, it is highly recommended that you consider downloading software that can help you keep track of all your ongoing and completed projects and manage your time effectively. A well-organized day will help you work at peak productivity and prevent client work from slipping away.
  • Freelance Website and Software – Having a personal website is essential for clients to see examples of your work and get a feel for your services. Even if you plan to use a freelance website, a personal website to host your portfolio is highly recommended.

Other than these, you’ll need basic tools like a computer, internet access, and any software relevant to the type of work you’ll be doing.

Now that you’ve gathered all the necessary tools, you’re ready to build your customer base and start making money. These are the basic first steps to becoming a technology freelancer.

Decide what services you will offer

While this may seem obvious, it’s important to narrow down the range of services you offer. This process not only helps customers find you, but is critical to creating a manageable reach for your business.

At first, it can be tempting to take any job that comes your way, but make sure you take a job that can strengthen your portfolio and provide relevant experience for future work. You have to earn a living, but there’s no point in being your own boss if you can’t take on the kind of work you want to do.

Budget, set prices, and be realistic about how much it will cost

Being good at budgeting will be an invaluable skill when you’re self-employed, and while accounting software can help you, you’ll need to be organized and diligent.

Budgeting and tracking expenses is the only real way to determine the profitability of your business and ensure that you pay your taxes correctly.

Be prepared to take a pay cut at first as you build your customer base. Make sure you have enough cushion to get you through the first few months (or even a year) and consider keeping your day job until you’re a little more financially secure.

Also, improve your services and create a pricing model. You may need to charge less initially as you get more clients, but try to avoid doing the work for free. You’ll also need to be comfortable talking about money, so try practicing some price scripts with friends and colleagues.

Create your portfolio and create a website

We live in a digital age and you as a technical freelancer are expected to have a polished online presentation. Creating a website with relevant information about your services and showcasing your work with a digital portfolio will be key to showing potential clients that you know what you’re doing.

Potential clients will want to see past work, see how past clients felt working with you, and access any contact information. Social media and websites are the cheapest way to advertise, so don’t be afraid to take advantage of these opportunities.

Find a freelance platform

One of the benefits of using a freelance platform is recording all of your customer interactions in one place. If you opt for a freelancing model, make sure you have a system to keep track of all the necessary documentation.

Additional Tips for Success as a Tech Freelancer

While the steps above are essential to growing as a tech freelancer, there are many soft skills you’ll need to hone to make the lifestyle work for you.

Consider taking the following steps to further ensure your success.

Find a mentor

Having someone in your life with similar experiences who can act as a sounding board for your ideas is crucial. A mentor can help provide objectivity and help you navigate some of the more nuanced situations that arise when starting your business.

Don’t be afraid to stand out and learn from the most experienced freelancers in your industry.

Feel comfortable setting limits

One of the significant downsides of being a freelancer is that there is no one to turn to when things get tough or uncomfortable.

If you have a challenging customer or someone who doesn’t agree with your price, you need to feel comfortable dealing with them. Get in the habit of discussing prices before doing any work and feel comfortable saying no.

Setting boundaries is an essential part of running a business, so the sooner you figure it out, the better off you’ll be.

Work in your network

Word of mouth is worth its weight in gold, so don’t be afraid to reach out to your network, especially at first. Let people know you are a freelancer and reach out to see if anyone needs your services.

Ask customers for testimonials

While corporations build a reputation and may have thousands of reviews online, you may need to put in a little more effort to get customer feedback.

Try to encourage customers to leave positive feedback online and collect some of their favorite testimonials for the “what it’s like to work with me” section of your website.

Before you leave

Becoming a tech freelancer is a big decision, and while it can be fulfilling and rewarding, there’s no shortage of effort. Set yourself up for success by gathering all the necessary supplies and laying the foundation for hard work early on in your journey.

Categories: How to

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