Betty Gore Parents: Bob (Dad) And Bertha Pomeroy (Mom)

Meet Betty Gore’s parents: Bob and Bertha Pomeroy.

Betty Gore was three years old when she became most popular baby. Additionally, the United Young Manhood of Kingman and Harper Counties also made similar claims years later. She had the innocence of a girl at the time, as well as a wide Hollywood smile that made her lips the most sought after female lips in high school for a while.

Betty’s appeal was not traditional. Her face had a dark tone; Her large eyes were almost black, her brows were thin and straight, and for most of her childhood she wore harlequin glasses, which remained fashionable in rural Kansas after the rest of the country switched to frames. designer.

Betty’s popularity was unmatched despite the fact that there were girls who were flashier, more talented, and girls from powerful families in Kansas. She played clarinet in the band and was a guard on the women’s basketball team and was proficient, if unremarkable, on both. (She left both, having decided that Y-Teens and Methodist Youth Fellowship were where her true talent lay.)

Who are Betty Gore’s parents?

Betty Gore was born to parents Charles Robert “Bob” Pomeroy and Bertha Larean Hancock Pomeroy. Her parents met in 1948 on one of her father’s rare vacations. She visited the famous mineral baths in Claremore, Oklahoma, where she hoped to relieve her congenital arthritis.

Her parents were proud to say that Betty was beautiful, but it wasn’t just her parents who said that. A ruling passed in 1953 by popular vote at a general store in Norwich, Kansas, also said the same thing.

Meet Betty Gore’s father, Bob Pomeroy

Betty Gore’s father, Bob Pomeroy, was a true Kansas, a huge, bearish farmer whose 260 pounds were spread so evenly over his six-foot-three frame that he seemed less overweight than he usually is huge. He spoke few words and had few loyalties beyond his closest family and friends.

But he had that instinctive Kansas sense of community that made him one of the first to arrive at the scene of a burning barn or the home of a weeping widow. Bob was ambivalent about organized religion.

He was raised as a Baptist who later converted to Methodism because his children preferred it. He financially supported the church, but left the actual worship to the rest of the family. But he was also the type of person who never questioned the existence of the Almighty.

The persistence of Bob’s granite, even in years when wind and freezing rain turned crops into fodder, was a guarantee that some things never changed, not just because of the name Pomeroy (tied to Kansas land for four generations ) but also because of the name Pomeroy (linked to the Kansas country for four generations).

Little children looked up from their games as Bob walked down Norwich’s main street, thick black-and-silver hair swept back over a large oval face, shoulders as broad as a two-piece belt, saluting him with a low, uncertain “Hello, Mr. Pomeroy,” a greeting that would grow louder and louder as the smile grew on Bob’s face.

When Betty took Allan to meet her parents, Bob thought, for a boy who grew up in Larned, he doesn’t look like a farmer. Because Allan was shy around his in-laws, he was considered a snob.

When Betty died in June 1980, Bob heard from Allan that his daughter had died after being shot. As Bob hung up the phone, a quick thought flashed through his mind: “No, it’s not. He expected it to, but it really didn’t. Allan didn’t seem surprised at all.”

  • Bob Pomeroy Cause of Death

Since nothing specific was mentioned about Bob Pomeroy, he likely died of natural causes and complications of aging.

  • Bob Pomeroy Age at death

Bob Pomeroy was 75 years old at the time of his death. He died on June 13, 2003.

  • Who were the parents of Bob Pomeroy?

Bon Pomeroy was born to parents Charles Austin Pomeroy (1901-1998) and Myrtle L. Ozbun Pomeroy (1905-1984). He had a sister named Helen Marie Pomeroy Kandt who died in 2019.

Meet Betty Gore’s mom, Bertha Pomeroy

Bertha Pomeroy was the 16-year-old daughter of a farming family. She was small, unassuming, with dark hair and delicate features, though much more talkative.

Poor Bertha was almost hysterical when she learned that her daughter had died. However, her husband, Bob, calmed her down and answered the phone himself. Bertha took it so badly they had to give her tranquilizers.

Bertha remained motionless, alone with her thoughts, looking along the path at the white line or furrows of ripe wheat. It was harvest season and she was supposed to be cooking for the children, but she couldn’t concentrate on the task at hand. Being the talkative one in the family, her silence was the most unbearable aspect of the long trip to Texas; the silence was obvious and terrifying to everyone else in the van. Bertha remembered her time in Oklahoma.

He remembered growing up in Claremore, among fields of wheat that didn’t look much different from these. She thought of the year before she met Bob Pomeroy, the year she was thirteen and had gone palm reading with his friends. “You will marry a farmer,” said the old woman. “She’ll be out of state. You will have three children, and one of them will die.” The memory of her made Bertha shudder, she shrank further into herself.

  • Bertha Pomeroy Cause of death

On January 4, 2010, Bertha Pomery likely died of natural causes.

  • Bertha Pomeroy Age at death

Bertha Pomeroy was 77 years old at the time of her death. She died on January 4, 2010.

  • Who were the parents of Bertha Pomeroy?

Bertha Pomeroy was born to her parents; Toy Hancock (1906-1989) and Mary Louise Hancock (1905-1947).

Related FAQ

  • How long were Betty Gore’s parents married?

Betty Gore’s parents were married for 55 years.

  • Where were Betty Gore’s parents from?

Betty Gore’s father was from Argonia, Sumner County, Kansas. Her mother was from Caney, Montgomery County, Kansas.

  • How many children did Betty Gore’s parents have?

Betty was the first child and the only girl born to her parents. She has a brother four years younger than her, named Ronnie. Furthermore, she gave birth to a boy named Richard who was 8 years her junior. After Allan called with the news, Bob immediately began rounding up the Pomeroys.

He named his youngest son Richard; then she called his brother Jack, who had driven to Stoney Creek to pick up his older son, Ronnie, from a country music festival. He then got into his car and drove one mile east to his parents’ farm to break the news. Within an hour, the Pomeroys were all together in the tiny living room, Bob trying to soften the shock with assumptions.

  • Which actors play Betty Gore’s parents in Hulu’s Candy?

On Hulu’s Candy, actor Rick Espaillat plays Bob Pomeroy. Actress Annie Cook plays Bertha Pomeroy.

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