Big Brother 25, Week 1 Recap: 10 Major things that were said and done

CBS’ blockbuster reality show “Big Brother” returned with its monumental 25th season after the premiere was pushed back to August 2, 2023.

Season 25’s production schedule was impacted heavily due to the ongoing writers’ strike. Still, the first four episodes threw a whirlwind of alliances, twists, and controversies, setting the stage for what promises to be an eventful season—the week culminated with Big Brother 25’s first elimination. However, Luke Valentine became the first to be removed from the house.

Luke was caught using the “n-word,” which led to a controversial exit as he broke the show’s code of conduct. However, the incident was only one of the many highlights during week 1 of Big Brother 25. The following article will examine the ten significant events during the first four episodes.

10 Biggest Events from Big Brother 25 Week 1

1) Meet the Houseguests

The diverse group of 16 was introduced in 2 waves of 8. The contestants came from all walks of life and included multiple almost celebrities. Survivor veteran Cirie Fields was introduced as the 17th surprise houseguest.

Her son Jared Fields and Cory Wurtenburger, the younger brother of Survivor contestant Zach Wurtenburger, were also introduced. Once the 16 guests were announced, host Julie Moves introduced one final twist, a 17th houseguest on Big Brother 25.

2) Jared Field’s mother, Cirie Fields, is introduced as the 17th houseguest

Cirie Fields was introduced as the 17th guest on Big Brother 25. (Image via CBS)Cirie Fields was introduced as the 17th guest on Big Brother 25. (Image via CBS)

The final twist was revealed to be the addition of Survivor veteran Cirie Fields. Her relationship with her son was kept a secret, something she claimed to want to use as a secret weapon. The Survivor legend was introduced after this season’s first nominations for eviction were revealed.

This happened after the 16 guests were divided into groups of 4. The losers from each competition were announced to be this week’s four eviction nominees. Jared, Kirsten Elwin, Felicia Cannon, and Cory Wurtenberger finished as losers.

3) The first HOH of Big Brother 25

Reilly won the first HOH competition of Big Brother 25. (Image via CBS)Reilly won the first HOH competition of Big Brother 25. (Image via CBS)

The primary focus of episode 2 was the Head of Household competition. The 17 houseguests were asked to flex their superhero abilities in a Comic-verse balancing course.

Reilly Smedley, a bartender from Nashville, emerged victorious, earning the first HOH title of the season. She eventually revealed her decision to remove Jared and Cory from the block, bringing them into the safe zone.

4) Jared planned to keep his relationship with Cirie a secret

The unveiling of “Survivor” icon Cirie Fields after the “Big Brother 25” premiere left many questions. None of the contestants had realized that Jared was her son. Jared revealed that he knew his mother would be part of the show.

Speaking alone in the Diary Room, he confirmed that the two planned to keep their relationship a secret. While there was potential for use later on, the information was soon revealed to the other contestants.

5) Luke Valentine becomes the first eviction of Seas 25

Luke Valentine was ousted from Big Brother 25 (Image via CBS)Luke Valentine was ousted from Big Brother 25 (Image via CBS)

Luke Valentine was expelled from the house even before the first official eviction occurred. Valentine was caught using a slur during a casual conversation with Kirsten, who was a molecular biologist from Texas.

Valentine’s use of the n-word meant that the Florida resident was immediately evicted. This led to questions among the contestants, who doubted the official eviction would occur.

6) Kirsten becomes the first official eviction of Big Brother 25

Kirsten became the first voting eviction of Big Brother 25. (Image via CBS)Kirsten became the first voting eviction of Big Brother 25. (Image via CBS)

Julie eventually revealed that the eviction process would go as planned despite the removal of Valentine. Both Kirsten and Felicia made compelling appeals to the housemates. However, Kirsten had failed to make genuine alliances and had been called out by multiple houseguests.

Thirteen houseguests voted to expel her, which meant a unanimous decision. Kirsten claimed that she was betrayed by Cirie and accused her of exposing private conversations to Reilly.

7) Cirie Fields’ relationship with Jared is revealed

Once the eviction occurred, Julie said that Jared was the son of Survivor veteran Cirie Fields. This led to the houseguests questioning the many alliances they had formed.

Kirsten, in particular, felt betrayed as she had trusted Cirie to help her escape eviction. Regardless, with their family tie in the open, The 25th season was in full swing.

8) Cory looks up to Survivor legend Cirie Fields

Cory revealed that he was a massive fan of Cirie Fields. (Image via CBS)Cory revealed that he was a massive fan of Cirie Fields. (Image via CBS)

Cory Wurtenberger’s admiration for Survivor legend Cirie Fields was revealed. Cory claimed that he was a fan and wanted to ally with Cirie. However, he also was aware of how significant a threat she could be and was wary of betrayal.

Cirie had quickly formed some strong alliances in the house. Her past as a Survivor legend meant that multiple houseguests gave her attention.

9) Big Brother 25’s biggest alliances emerge

The house was divided into two dominant alliances as the first week unfolded. Spearheaded by Jag Bains, Blue Kim, and Reilly, the first was Family Style and had eight members. Cameron Hardin, Matt Klotz, America Lopez, Jared Fields, and Cory Wurtenberg were also part of this alliance.

On the other hand, The Professors included 7 seven members, with Jared Fields also claiming to have another 8th connection in the house. The alliance was anchored by older cast members and included Jared, Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, Izzy Gleicher, Hisam Goueli, Bowie Jane, Mecole Hayes, and Red Utley.

10) Drama unfolds as multiple smaller alliances form

Multiple alliances have emerged in Big Brother 25, week 1. (Image via CBS)Multiple alliances have emerged in Big Brother 25, week 1. (Image via CBS)

Within the larger alliances, various sub-groups quickly emerged. The Handful included Reilly, Jag, Blue, Matt, and Cameron, while The Bye Bye B****es included Felicia, Cirie, Izzy, Bowie, and Mecole. The latter was an all-female alliance, as the name suggested.

The smaller alliances stay in line with how contestants have played Big Brother in recent seasons—a range of other two and 3-person partnerships formed in the 4th episode. Big Brother 25 can eventually be expected to bring forth a tremendous amount of drama, as previous seasons have testified.

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