Brain teaser: Can you move 2 matches to get 4 squares? Only 15% solved it in 20 seconds!

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Don’t be intimidated by this conundrum – give it a go! Think you can be smarter than Einstein? Prove it by solving this puzzle with just two matches!

Today’s test is a classic logic and problem-solving test! The task is to move two matches and with them create four squares.

The problem statement is depicted in the attached image. It may seem like an easy feat, but don’t be fooled – this puzzle will challenge your thinking skills and can be difficult to solve!

Logic puzzles are great for testing our cognitive skills and have been around for centuries. They can help improve our ability to think critically, identify patterns, and come up with creative solutions to our problems.

These quizzes are also usually quite fun, so why not give this one a try? See if you can find the answer by moving two matches!

Make four squares from five with two matches

The challenge is medium and requires you to make four squares out of five with just two matches. You are given 16 matches that make 5 squares and you have to move two of them to get 4 squares.

It’s important to note that you only have 20 seconds to complete this challenge. This task is not easy and requires both speed and precision, as well as a basic understanding of geometry.

(c) Fabrice George

Training your logical thinking is essential to mastering puzzles like these. Your logical mind can help you break down problems into smaller, easier-to-solve problems.

It also helps you understand how to think about the problem step-by-step and arrive at a solution effectively.

It is important to exercise your logical mind regularly so that you can be better prepared for the challenges life presents you, as well as puzzles like the one presented here.

By developing the ability to think critically and logically, you can become an adept problem solver.

Have you solved the challenge yet? Ready to check if you got it right? Hit the next page and let’s find out!

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Categories: Brain teaser

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