Case Steve Maia Caniço: two new criminal investigations

The prosecutor’s office in Rennes opened two new judicial information in the context of the investigation into the police operation was controversial, which le

The prosecutor’s office in Rennes opened two new judicial information in the context of the investigation into the police operation was controversial, which led to his death.

The prosecutor’s office in Rennes opened two new judicial information in the context of the investigation into the police operation was controversial, which led to the death of Steve Maia Caniço at the music Festival 2019 in Nantes.

While a judicial inquiry “against X” for “involuntary manslaughter” is open since the summer of 2019 in this case, the prosecutor of the Republic of Rennes Philippe Astruc said on Thursday that a total of three “judicial information” are taught in Rennes by a single magistrate.

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one is open against X for” unintentional injuries, non-assistance to person in danger, endangering the lives of others and voluntary violence without ITT by a person agent of the public authority,” says the attorney, confirming information of West-France.

A complaint to this effect had been filed by lawyer Marianne Rostan for 89 complainants for violations of voluntary violence by a person agent of the public authority, endangering the lives of others and non-assistance to person in danger.

The lawyer hopes that some of his clients are heard in the context of investigations “in order to understand how they have lived this scene”. “The fact that there is a statement that can also be worn as a civil party, to have access to the folder and to finally understand what happened”, she added.

The body found on July 29 in the Loire valley

A third court information “against X” for “voluntary violence with a weapon, in a meeting, and on person agent of the public authority, and degradation in a meeting of a public utility in relation to decision to be part of the forces of order”, is also educated at Rennes, where the folder, educated initially in Nantes, has been a journey in itself.

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According to the prosecutor, “the investigations conducted are focused at this stage on the all of the technical expertise tend to be the most exhaustive possible of the course of events”. “They will complement the many testimonies already collected in the framework of investigations after the fact by the public prosecutor of Nantes”, pointed out Philippe Astruc, stating that “no indictment is reached”. The investigating magistrate will soon be added to the family of Steve Maia Canico “to give them the scoop of the technical elements”, added the prosecutor.

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The disappearance of this host co-curriculars 24-year-old, whose body was found on July 29 in the Loire, elicited a very strong emotion and sharp criticism on the intervention of the forces of law and order in the night from 21 to 22 June. Participants in the sound system in edge of the Loire reported to have been blinded by a cloud of tear gas, several had fallen in the river. Steve Maia Caniço could not swim, according to his relatives.

Date Of Update: 28 May 2020, 22:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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