Case Traoré : the family lawyer wants to cancel the last expertise

The lawyer is asking for the nullity of the last legal expert report made at the end of May, the conclusions of which the gendarmes did not consider. Law

The lawyer is asking for the nullity of the last legal expert report made at the end of May, the conclusions of which the gendarmes did not consider.

the lawyer of the family of Adame Traoré, who died in 2016 during an arrest by the gendarmes, claiming the invalidity of the last legal expert opinion made at the end of May, whose conclusions the gendarmes were beyond all reason.

In his inquiry sent on Monday to the Administrative Council of the Court of Appeal in Paris, Me Yassine Bouzrou condemns the fact that the three doctors who prepared this report sent a complaint to a fellow cardiologist without mentioning it.

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In a letter sent to the judges in early June, one of those doctors announced that they had been working “on advice” from a third party. However, according to the council, such a request should be clearly stated in the expert report, which would justify its annulment in the procedure, then harshly criticized by Adam Traoré’s family.

“Compliance Report”

“We condemned the smug report that allowed itself to invent a heart disease while a cardiologist swept away this hypothesis. These pseudo-experts are trying to illegally justify their conclusions and their incompetence in the field of cardiology,” Me Bouzrou criticized.

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Rodolphe Bosselut, the lawyer of the two gendarmes in question, did not want to answer me. It is now for the appellate court to determine whether this claim is allowed and, if so, whether the complaint is moot to determine the extent of that invalidity.

On July 19, 2016, Adama Traoré died in the barracks of the Persian gendarmes almost two hours after his arrest in his hometown of Beaumont-sur-Oise (Val-d’oise), and at the end of the chase race, after avoiding the first inquiry.

Combat medical

Nearly four years later, the investigation is still open and the record has become a medical battle.

on the one hand, two fields of expertise in a synthesis, ordered by the judge, presented the medical history – including the heart – to explain this death and let the three police officers, who were not charged; two other reports made at the request of the family swept their conclusions and pointed to the arresting technique of law and order forces.

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The second of these reports was written by one of the four doctors who authored the first, condemning one of the policemen’s lawyers. It was published on June 2, four days after the last legal expert opinion.

Date of update: 16 June 2020, 05:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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