Cat discovers sunlight, tries to touch it. Watch adorable video

A cute video showing a cat discovering sunlight for the first time has melted the hearts of many people on social media. The video was re-shared on X by host @buitengebiden and was originally posted by user ‘Feel good posts.’

The cat discovers sunlight.  (Twitter/@buitengebiden) The cat discovers sunlight. (Twitter/@buitengebiden)

The clip opens to show a kitten walking on the floor. When it approaches sunlight, it pauses for a second and then looks up. The cat then tries to touch the sunlight with its paws. However, he seems confused by the thought that he can’t actually touch the light. (Also Read: Cat Turns Trainer For Her Human. Watch)

Watch a video of a cat discovering sunlight here:

This post was shared on September 10th. Since it was published, it has been viewed more than nine million times. The share also has over 10,000 likes and several comments.

Here’s what people are saying about this video:

The individual wrote: “That’s adorable.”

Another added: “I remember my kitties doing that!”

“How can anyone not love this baby, ugh,” said a third.

A fourth said, “Too cute.”

Categories: Trending

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