Check out the latest version of Tesla Bot in video update

Tesla has just released a video introducing the latest version of the Tesla Bot, the company’s humanoid robot that could one day sit alongside factory workers, or perhaps replace them entirely.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced in 2021 that the company was working on a robot, saying it would be used to “eliminate dangerous, repetitive and boring tasks.” The next time we heard about it was in September of last year when Tesla introduced the prototype.

Looking at Tuesday’s video, the Tesla Bot appears to be in good shape, though it still walks like it has a pinched nerve in its back.

The 65-second video shows the robot in various environments, including an office and a factory where a human worker can be seen assembling Tesla’s soon-to-be-launched electric Cybertruck.

We also see a demonstration of the robot’s torque control, including its ability to No crack an egg when it really looks like it will. Using built-in cameras and an array of sensors, the bipedal robot is also able to explore and remember its surroundings, nicely positioning it to operate in a specific area.

Of course, it also has artificial intelligence built into it, and the video shows how it is trained in this field using human input.

The most impressive part of the video is where the Tesla Bot is shown handling various objects using its robotic arms, the kind of task that is very difficult for robots to perform successfully, and a vital skill if the Tesla Bot is to be used at all. time in a meaningful way.

The robot currently doesn’t have the versatility to do things like somersaults, an ability that advanced robot specialist Boston Dynamics has built into one of its impressive robots, but how many factory workers have you seen perform stunts while assembling a car?

While the Tesla Bot is clearly making progress, it’s still unclear when the electric carmaker might use the bot to make its operations more efficient, which means Tesla’s human workers can rest easy (for now).

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