Chinese Dutch citizens to report discrimination more frequently since the coronalied'

for the Chinese community in the Netherlands since the corona took over more frequent reporting of discrimination, talking about other forms of discrimination.en- – – – chai

for the Chinese community in the Netherlands from coronali more frequent reporting of discrimination, talking about other forms of discrimination.en- – – – president Frederique Janss on Friday in a meeting with Discriminatiemeldingen do not have all feline corona virus to 2019-nCoV-to-make.

“The Chinese community was being abused and they finally came out,” says Janss. “The Chinese, the Dutch, there are now reports of discrimination linked to the coronavirus, including improper treatment.”

On Monday, a large group of people from the Chinese-Dutch community filed a lawsuit against radio dj-Lex Gaarthuis and Radio Je 10, because the song is much better than the Chinese one, and that the radio station could be heard. got it in short order, three thousand messages about the song are in. For the past few days we had once upon a time “a hundred” complaints at the complaint counter, within.

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Complaints are not all related to the corona virus. Atom Zhou, the spokesman for the Chinese, the Dutch, who made a report on Radio 10, saying that the Chinese have stopped, because that is the nature of the Chinese people there. “They think, ‘If I don’t have anything to say, then the wind will blow it away.’

there was also the Chinese community, according to him, which was a good guest. “There was, then, such a thing as had never been done.”

According to Zhou, did the carnival hit the straw that broke the cup. “Currently, people are fighting for their lives in China. We are large Chinese organizations that have joined together, and people are invited to actively report the existence of other forms of discrimination. Also, if the corona virus is not the cause.”

last friday, the public prosecutor’s office announced that they will be tried by the crowned persons based on examples. The police received “hundreds” of reports, the song entered the building.

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Updated date: February 14, 2020, 2:00 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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