Coronavirus : Brazil surpasses the million cases, Europe's 2.5 million

The number of diagnosed cases reflects only a fraction of the actual number of contaminations, a large number of countries testing serious cases. Brazil has su

The number of diagnosed cases reflects only a fraction of the actual number of contaminations, a large number of countries testing serious cases.

Brazil has surpassed the one million cases of infections with the coronavirus, and Europe that of the 2.5 million cases on Saturday, a sign of an epidemic that is still progressing in a world that déconfinement makes it “dangerous”, according to the WHO.

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Before Brazil, only the United States had passed the symbolic threshold of one million cases. The Latin american giant will also probably pass the bar of 50, 000 deaths after reaching 48 954 death on Friday, becoming the second country where the Covid-19 has the most killing in the world. Since the beginning of June, the Brazil, the new global epicentre of the pandemic, has registered more new infections (518 000) and deaths (19 000) than any other country in the world, according to a compilation of the AFP.

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If the virus slows down its progression in Europe, where the déconfinement continues, over 2.5 million cases have been officially reported, on the Old Continent, of which more than half in Russia, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy, according to a count taken by AFP from official sources Saturday mid-day. With at least 2 500 091 case, for 192 158 deaths, Europe remains the continent most affected by the pandemic Covid-19: the Russian federation has the largest number of cases (576 952 for 8002 deaths), followed by the United Kingdom (301.815 case, 42.461 deaths), Spain (245 575, 28 315), and Italy (238 011, 34 561).

The déconfinement progressive continues, however, in Europe, where the French government has announced the reopening Monday of the cinemas and casinos, adding that the stadiums would host again to the public from July 11, without, however, exceeding the 5000 spectators maximum. The re-opening of nightclubs, fairs and shows and the restart of international cruises may for their part be decided “from September onwards” if the pandemic continues to fall, has added the French government.

in the Face of the economic crisis of the most severe caused by the pandemic, the leaders of the european Union met on Friday by video-conference, without, however, taking a no decision. They have planned to meet mid-July in Brussels to find an agreement on a recovery plan massive € 750 billion.

Russia has the greatest number of cases

On the other hand, it is in Latin America that the disease progresses more quickly. The balance sheet of the epidemic in Mexico has exceeded Friday, the threshold of 20 000 people dead, announced by the government, which was also reported to be over 5000 new cases of contamination in a single day. The authorities of Mexico city have, therefore, delayed for a week the recovery in the capital’s economic activities, originally scheduled for Monday, to try to reduce the number of infections and reduce hospitalizations.

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Colombia has registered his side to a record high of 95 deaths in a single day on Friday, crossing the bar of 2000 dead since the beginning of the epidemic. It is still far from back to elsewhere in the world. Iran announced Saturday it had documented more than 100 deaths and over 2,000 contaminations to the new coronavirus in 24 hours in the country, which is entered in the fifth month of the fight against the epidemic. Morocco has reported a record increase in the number of infections with 539 new cases, the balance sheet on a daily basis, most high in the kingdom since the announcement of the first case in march. This has not prevented the moroccan government to announce on Friday a new easing of restrictions in force since mid-march.

“new and dangerous Phase”

And this is what is worrying the world health Organization. The world has entered “a phase” dangerous”, warned Friday WHO. “The virus continues to spread rapidly, it remains a deadly disease and most people remain exposed,” warned the director-general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stating that its services had identified Thursday, more than 150 000 new cases, a record on a single day since the beginning of the epidemic.

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The pandemic of novel coronavirus has killed at least 459.976 dead in the world since China is a formal state of the onset of the disease in December, according to a report drawn up by AFP from official sources Saturday. More than 8.6 million cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 196 countries and territories since the beginning of the epidemic, including at least 4.029.700 are now considered as cured.

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The number of diagnosed cases does not reflect, however, that a fraction of the real number of infections. Some countries test only for severe cases, others use the tests as a priority for tracing and number of poor countries do not have that capacity screening limited. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has admitted that “a lot of gens (were) obviously tired of staying home”. “The countries are eager to reopen their society and their economy”, but the end of containment or a restriction of the mobility is “enter the world in a new and dangerous phase”, he warned.

Date Of Update: 21 June 2020, 23:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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