Coronavirus : more than 50 000 health care workers contaminated since the beginning of the epidemic

At least 50 000 health professionals, including more than 30 000 health care workers in hospitals and 6,000 physicians, had contracted the Covid-19. How many n

At least 50 000 health professionals, including more than 30 000 health care workers in hospitals and 6,000 physicians, had contracted the Covid-19.

How many nurses in France have been infected with the Covid-19 ? Difficult to answer precisely, as the professions are many and the data are still incomplete. But according to calculations by BFMTV, at the present time, at least 50 000 health professionals have been affected by the epidemic since the beginning of the health crisis. A particularly heavy toll, as the caregivers were the first to climb to the front.

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to arrive at this calculation, BFMTV add more data. The Public Health agency of France stated on June 4 that 30 258 caregivers were infected in hospital, and 16 300 in long-term care facilities. There are sixteen dead among them. And this census relates only to 1160 hospitals on 3000. The Public Assistance – Hospitals of Paris (APHP), regrets, for its part, the contamination of 5000 of his caregivers.

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An investigation of the pension fund of the doctors of France, published on June 3, has also shown that 6000 physicians have, since march, a claim for compensation for stoppage of work, or approximately 5% of the profession, while 46 of them have died of the virus.

More than 29 000 deaths in France

The data should be more accurate soon. “I am hopeful that in the end we have numbers that are as comprehensive as possible or in any case only with them one can make extrapolations to be valid”, gliding with BFMTV Anne Shepherd-Carbon, responsible for the management of infectious diseases of Public Health France.

In France, the outbreak of coronavirus has caused the death of 29 319 people, including 18 935 within hospital facilities, or 23 additional deaths in the past twenty-four hours. But no one indicator gives a glimpse of the resumption of the epidemic in France, said Wednesday the general Directorate of Health (DGS).

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To this day, 933 patients with a severe form of Covid-19 are still hospitalized in the intensive care unit . In total, 11 678 people are hospitalized for an infection Covid-19, with 130 new admissions recorded in 24 hours, but a daily balance still negative (-283). Since the beginning of the epidemic, 102 933 people were hospitalized, including 18 141 in the icu.

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A coalition of trade unions and collective hospital calls for a “national day of initiatives and to strike” on June 16, and to compel the executive to take “into account the totality of their claims.”

Date Of Update: 11 June 2020, 11:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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