Coronavirus : the number of positive cases continues to rise in France

The daily balance published by the DGS this Thursday also reports that 1,604 cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, after 1,695 cases.

The daily balance published by the DGS this Thursday also reports that 1,604 cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, after 1,695 cases the day before.

No improvement on the front line of the sars coronavirus pandemic. Quite the opposite. The number of people diagnosed positive for Covid-19 increased by more than 30% in a week, faster than the increase in the number of tests carried out, according to a weekly summary of public health in France published on Thursday night.

In the week of July 27 to August 2, 7,565 people tested positive in France, or +33% compared to the previous week, which saw a jump in the number of cases (+57%, out of 5,695). This increase in new positive cases “continues to be higher than the increase in the number of patients tested” (+14%, 505,945), highlights the public health of France.

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The balance of the newspaper published on Thursday night by the General Directorate of Health (DGS) goes in the same direction: 1,604 confirmed cases in the last 24 hours, after 1,695 the day before, while this figure exceeds 1,000 since the Finals of July.

According to France’s public health, the positivity rate also increased (to 1.6%, compared to 1.4% the previous week on the continent) in the week of July 27 to August 2, as than the incidence rate that exceeded the limit of 10 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants in France (11.6, compared to 8.7 the previous week).

This incidence rate is above 20 in 10 departments, it is particularly high in Mayenne, although it is decreasing (48 compared to 148 the previous week), but also in Paris where it is increasing (31 to 17). ).

Cluster Weekly Growth Trend

on the other hand, “as of August 4, 2020, the weekly cluster increase trend since July is on the rise, with 91 reported clusters,” between July 27 and August 2. But the number of cases per household “seems” to be declining even though some of them are still under investigation. Of the 609 clusters reported in France (94% in metropolitan France), just over half are closed.

The number of patients in intensive care on Thursday was 390, that is, 6 more in 24 hours, while the balance of patients in intensive care in recent days oscillates between increase and decrease, shows the daily balance of the DGS. Ile-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Hauts-de-France and Guyana account for 69% of intensive care patients.

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France now has more than 30,312 deaths, 7 more in 24 hours, including 19,806 in hospitals and 10,506 in long-term care centers and other institutions, social and medico-social. This last figure, which dates from Tuesday, will be updated on August 11. The Scientific Council, which is leading the government’s fight against Covid-19, warned on Tuesday that France is not immune to an epidemic of runaway recovery and called on the French to adhere to lockdown measures.

Date Updated: August 6, 2020, 4:58 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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