Coronavirus : the parquet floor of Paris opens a broad inquiry into the management of the crisis

This survey provides the judicial response to the bulk of the complaints received by the public prosecutor of Paris, 33 in total. there will be a survey on the

This survey provides the judicial response to the bulk of the complaints received by the public prosecutor of Paris, 33 in total.

there will be a survey on the management of the crisis of the coronavirus in France. The prosecutor of Paris, Rémy Heitz, has announced the opening Monday of an extensive preliminary survey which aimed in particular the heads of”involuntary homicide” or “endangering the lives of others”.

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This investigation, a judicial response to the bulk of the complaints received by the prosecutor’s office in Paris, during the confinement, “is not there to define the political responsibilities and administrative,” explained Rémy Heitz, “but to be able to possible criminal offences” of national decision-makers. With the exception of the head of State, irresponsible, criminally, and members of the government, which is under the responsibility of the Court of justice of the Republic, seizure of 80 complaints.

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An “investigative hat”

They are grouped in an “investigative hat”, the conurbation of 13 procedures devoted to the complaints of associations or trade union organisations, and a fourteenth covering 33 complaints, the great majority of individuals, from complaints types of website

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the investigation, entrusted to the central Office for combating damage to the environment and public health (Oclaesp), focus on the main complaints issued since the beginning of the epidemic : labour protection, provision of masks and testing, etc., The survey is open for “involuntary homicide”, “manslaughter”, “endangering the lives of others”, “abstention volunteer to fight a disaster”, “non-assistance to person in danger”.

The long-term care facilities are not affected

“If there are faults in the criminal, this will most likely be – it is an assumption – mistakes not intentional. But the law lays down precise conditions in order to establish these offences : it requires proof of a ‘fault ‘ qualified’ which is not a simple imprudence or negligence”, has detailed the prosecutor.

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Combine these surveys will allow, according to the prosecutor, to establish a fund of documentary evidence common on the state of scientific knowledge. Because “for this type of offences, the criminal Code says it is necessary to appreciate the responsibilities” policy-makers “in the light of the resources and knowledge they had available at the time decisions”, stresses Rémy Heitz. This national survey does not relate to the long-term care facilities, which are the subject to this day local investigations, including two in Paris, but also in Paris or Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes).

Date Of Update: 09 June 2020, 10:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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