Coronavirus : the WHO changes of doctrine on the use of masks

The WHO recommends governments to encourage the wearing of mask in public transport, shops and all other environments are closed or very busy. The world health

The WHO recommends governments to encourage the wearing of mask in public transport, shops and all other environments are closed or very busy.

The world health Organization released on Friday new guidelines on the wearing of the mask, and now counsels in the case of transmission widespread of the new coronavirus, and when it is difficult to maintain a physical distance.

“given the evolution of data, WHO advises governments to encourage the general public to wear masks when the transmission is widespread, and the physical distance difficult, for example in public transport, in shops and in other places closed or very busy,” said the boss of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during a virtual press conference.

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“Second, in the areas of transmission community, we recommend that people aged 60 years or older or those who suffer from conditions pre-existing medical wear a medical mask in situations where the separation physical is not possible,” he said.

For all the people in the health sector

In addition, in areas where transmission is widespread, the WHO now recommends to all persons working in the clinical areas of the health facilities to wear a medical mask, while up to now it is not advised to those who cared directly for patients with Covid-19.

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“This means, for example, that when a doctor makes his rounds in a cardiology unit or palliative care, where there is no patient Covid-19 confirmed, he must still wear a medical mask,” explained the director-general of WHO.

He pointed out that these new guidelines had been developed after review of available data and consultations with numerous experts and civil society groups.

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He also pointed out that the masks themselves do not protect against the virus causing the pandemic of Covid-19, where the first cases were reported in December in China.

Date Of Update: 05 June 2020, 23:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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