Covid-19: Guyana reconfine, in part, in the face of an increased circulation of the coronavirus

Since the déconfinement, the number of positive cases in French Guiana has been multiplied by more than six : 917 confirmed cases Thursday, to 144 on may 10. G

Since the déconfinement, the number of positive cases in French Guiana has been multiplied by more than six : 917 confirmed cases Thursday, to 144 on may 10.

Guyana is concerned. Always in orange on the map of the déconfinement, as Mayotte, while overseas have been relatively spared by the epidemic of the coronavirus, including through travel restrictions, the community of guyana is facing a peak of contamination. The Express train made the point on the situation.

Why the authorities take measures of reconfinement ?

The French region has recorded 362 new cases between 5 and 12 June, over one-third of all cases detected since the beginning of march (1043). The majority of communities in Guyana are affected, reports France O, with nine clusters identified in the week, and sporadic cases enumerated in all the municipalities along dufleuve Maroni, except to Apatou. “A total of 13 clusters are considered to be ‘assets’ in Guyana, of whom seven for Cayenne, Rémire-Montjoly and Matoury”, says the local media.

Sixteen of the 22 municipalities of the community of 283 000 inhabitants are affected, adds The World. On 10 June, the prefect has announced the reconfinement part of 14 municipalities affected by the epidemic with a ban on driving Saturday, 21 hours, Monday, 5 o’clock in the morning, and an authorization to circulate for one hour in a one-kilometer radius around his home, as before the déconfinement on may 11.

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Since that date, the number of positive cases in French Guiana has been multiplied by more than six : 917 confirmed cases Thursday, to 144 on may 10. A second death linked to the Covid has been deplored on Monday and the regional Agency of health was alerted on a “next influx of patients in hospitals”, announcing the arrival of a reinforcement, of the reserve health.

François Ringuet, mayor of Kourou, fourth main common of the community, who is also chairman of the federation of regional hospital of Guyana, asked on Europe 1 this back of easing health : “ll really need to strengthen there, it goes right to the disaster.”

“Our goal is to prepare for an influx of patients, supporting the local professionals already tired, which take care of the patients, some of whom have already undergone confinement and see their health deteriorate, explained to the World Clara Bort, director general of the regional agency of health, I made use of the reserve health before the limit is reached to say to the caregivers of Guyana that we have just strengthened, it was necessary to take.”

The explosion of cases in Brazil in question ?

A “cluster” is now more than 60 people in a district of Rémire, populated mostly of people of brazilian origin, to be quarantined by order. The contamination has been assigned by the ARS to a feast in the hut (dwelling in forest) at the end of may.

According to the director of the Pasteur institute in Cayenne, the DrMirdad Kazanji, “the dynamics of the epidemic in Brazil has an impact on this outbreak of cases in guyana.

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The “village PK 6”, near Kourou, relay gold mining activities illegal in the past 20 years, has recognized several contaminations. The city space exceeds the 100 positive cases accumulated. In the east, on the border with Brazil, Saint-Georges de l’oyapock had Monday 247 to 4.220 inhabitants, while to the west, to the border with Suriname, Saint-Laurent, which consisted of 22 cases collected in June, had 38 more on Tuesday. Suriname has maintained its legislative end of may, but has seen its number of cases spend in a week from a dozen to 100. The country is reconfiné since Monday for two weeks.

But already before the déconfinement, Mirdad Kazanji had warned him of the fact that Guyana had “not known of the first wave”, in contrast to the Hexagon, and had been confined on march 16, at stage 1 of the epidemic, with less than 10 cases beset.

at the Beginning of June, he had already stressed “a decrease of vigilance of the population” even before the announcement of the déconfinement. He talked of including “a feast of Camopi (common indian of 1,800 inhabitants on the border with Brazil) may 15, bringing together close to 400 people, meetings (late may) in the streets of Cayenne,” and other groupings of more than 10 persons, namely Saint-Laurent du Maroni or in Kourou.

The municipal in question ?

The president of the territorial Collectivity of French Guiana, Rodolphe Alexandre has formally requested on Thursday, the Prime minister’s postponement of the second round of the municipal elections, because of the “widespread epidemic” in the territory, following the recommendations of its committee of experts, local medical.

Rodolphe Alexandre judge “inconsistent or even unreasonable to call people to move in mass to go and vote, so that we are constantly at the same time to multiply the calls to the population to limit its movements”.

At the national level, the scientific board, which supports the government, has renewed on June 8, the green light careful to the holding of the second round, while stressing, in Mayotte and Guyana, where the virus is circulating actively, “the importance of the particularly high risks associated with the election campaignoral”. The council must give a new notice on June 14.

“there is a certain risk to organize a second tour in French Guiana, particularly on the island of Cayenne (Rémire, Matoury, Cayenne), where the cases are steadily increasing in the past 15 days,” said the senator LREM Antoine Karam.

Speaker Wednesday at the Senate in the framework of the examination of the draft law on the second round of the municipal elections, the Interior minister Christophe Castaner has indicated that the opinion was “shared” in French Guiana on a possible postponement. “No decision was taken” for the moment, he said.

What are the conditions of entry on the territory ?

A test for the detection of the Covid-19 will be mandatory in July and August before arrival overseas, but there will be more periods of “quatorzaines” or “septaines” imposed on the arrival, announced Friday the ministry of overseas.

This evolution of the health protocol for access to the territories ultramarins was decided at the Council of defense and national security Thursday, “in light of the favourable evolution of the epidemic of Covid-19 in overseas,” says the ministry in a press release.

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In a letter to the minister of overseas Annick Girardin, Rodolphe Alexandre considers that the current situation in Guyana is “totally incompatible with a possible lifting of the compelling reasons for displacement” required for travel in the community. He said, however, in favour of a PCR test 72 hours before taking the plane, then another test is seven days after the arrival of passengers on the territory, similar to the ongoing experiment in the west Indies and to the Meeting.

Date Of Update: 13 June 2020, 13:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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