Covid-19 : the parents are wondering about a relief of the protocol in schools

Children would ultimately be less contagious than adults. Is it necessary to keep such a drastic health protocol in schools? “The children are very small

Children would ultimately be less contagious than adults. Is it necessary to keep such a drastic health protocol in schools?

“Children are very small polluters,” said Professor Robert Cohen, a pediatrician in Créteil (Val-de-Marne) and vice-president of the French Society of Pediatrics, in Paris on Thursday morning. His study, conducted in collaboration with other practitioners on 605 children from Ile-de-France, shows that those under 15 are actually much less contagious than adults. Is it then necessary to speed up their return to the classroom? “Absolutely! The real problem is that they may not come,” replies the specialist in Paris, in line with many other doctors, teachers, educators or association leaders. Even if 80% of schools reopened, only 22% of students had the chance to meet their teachers and classmates. Sometimes just a few days or even a few hours a week. Much to the dismay of parents, more and more are claiming that the health protocol is particularly strict in schools. On Wednesday, Jean-Michel Blanquer, the national education minister, promised a concession “soon”. “But then it would be too early”, he added actively, and some even hopeful. What do they think of the main student parent associations? Get in touch – they are officially for the reduction of health needs, in agreement with some of their members?

“We don’t have the skills to do that. We prefer to leave it to the competent scientific bodies only to solve,” replied Rodrigo Arenas Munos, president of the CIPF. Until now, the representative of the main federation of parents of schoolchildren said that he hears the emotions and misunderstanding of many parents. Some ask why we allow assemblies, which result in several public places and not in school, others do not understand why their child is not accepted in the class while his colleagues are, not to mention the pressure that is on the shoulders of those who have to take their jobs and they have no childcare arrangements,” it says.

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But for Rodrigo Arenas Munoz, the health protocol issue is not the real problem. “Removing it entirely seems unthinkable to me unless we consider that the Covid-19 crisis is completely behind us… And, even if it is reduced, there are still students who remain on the board and the principle of equality of opportunity will be equal undermined as today,” he continued. For FCPE, a real recovery cannot be expected before September. Urgent, in this month of June, before any of the “resociabiliser” of all students. “Even if the health protocol is maintained by the state , children must be able to receive all the welcome, either in schools or in other buildings such as gymnasiums, community centers, conservatories…”, explains Rodrigo Arenas Munos. Device 2S2C (“sport-health-culture-citizenship”), which offers students activities that supplement their learning when they are not in class, is one of the responses of the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Sports.Supporting the municipalities to participate in its implementation, which seems to be the least complex because financial, human and material differ depending on the community .

“Health protocol is sometimes interpreted so outrageously”

Peep, another federation of parents of students, is also wary. Just like the CIPF, she admitted that he did not have the necessary scientific expertise to give an opinion on the need to relax health protocols in schools. “However, given recent studies showing low infectivity in children, the issue deserves to be brought up again at the scientific council,” said Cécile Frattaroli, Peep spokeswoman. Does it still make sense to keep the principle of 4 square meters per student in the class until the time when the pools start to reopen? Is it not in vain to continue to ensure the complete absence of contacts in court so that children can start playing together in parks and gardens?… Some of the measures adopted in this period of déconfinement seem fully aligned with the drastic precautions still in place in schools.

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“To the extent that the health protocol is sometimes interpreted as an outrageous or protectionist policy,” says Cécile Frattaroli. And the young woman cites the example of those institutions that accept only 5 children per class, while others accept 15. “Why such a difference? It’s hard for me to believe that the narrowness of the space in itself justifies the existence of a choice,” napad-t-it. Let’s not forget the schools that closed their entrances: a total of 9,000, in 10% of the municipalities. “Perhaps there are, there are also problems with the building that does not meet standards, or the lack of personal utilities. But, at this moment, there is an urgent need for the necessary investments,” the representative associations insist. If he deems it necessary to use the well-known 2S2C device, he believes that the place of students and teachers is first of all the classroom. Little by little, life takes a little everywhere. The precautions that prevailed on the 11th of last may not be justified, perhaps even more so. Once again, scientists and political decision. “It must be admitted that this health protocol was strongly demanded by the teachers and parents of the students, who were very worried at the height of the crisis. No one knew then how the situation would turn,” emphasizes Cécile Frattaroli. Faced with changes in knowledge about the coronavirus, schools, like society as a whole, will have to adapt. Once more.

Date of update: June 5, 2020, 03:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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