Covid-19 : We can switch at any time, warns the scientific Council

The Scientific Council also considered it “highly likely that a second wave of the epidemic will be observed in autumn or winter.” “The balance is fragile and we can swing

The Scientific Council also considered it “highly likely that a second wave of the epidemic will be observed in autumn or winter.”

“The balance is fragile and we can tip at any time” towards the return of the uncontrolled epidemic of Covid-19 in France, the Scientific Council warned on Tuesday in a new public opinion. “The future of the epidemic in the short term is to a large extent in the hands of citizens,” the instance warns. Regardless of the situation this summer, the Scientific Council continues to consider that “it is very likely that a second wave of the epidemic will be observed in autumn or winter.”

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“France is in a controlled but fragile situation, with the recirculation of the virus this summer,” wrote the Scientific Council in the introduction to this statement, titled “Prepare now to anticipate the return of the virus in autumn.” “The virus is circulating more actively, with the loss of distancing measures and accentuated barrier measures: the balance is fragile and we can move at any time to a less controlled scenario such as in Spain, for example,” he continues in this document presented. to the government on July 27.

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Indicators rising in the last days

In recent weeks, the authorities have been warning of a possible worsening of the situation, given the increase in indicators almost three months after the end of the confinement. In the week of July 20 to 26, the number of new confirmed cases in France experienced a large increase, 54% (5,592 in total), and the threshold of 1,000 new cases per day was exceeded, the Agency for Health stressed in July. Public Health of France. 30. his last week.

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In addition, the number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit increased by 13 cases since Friday (384 in total), breaking the downward trend registered since April, according to the latest daily point of the General Directorate of Health (DGS). ) posted Monday night. To avoid a second wave of the epidemic, the Scientific Council calls on the authorities to introduce “prevention plans”, focusing especially on the largest cities.

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It also points to “delays” in the strategy for testing, tracking and isolating positive cases. Therefore, he recommends improving the selection of “test access”, where the times are currently too long due to high demand. Finally, in another separate opinion, the Scientific Council proposes stricter controls on travelers from “risk countries”, with tests upon departure or arrival and a 14-day quarantine.

Date updated: August 4, 2020 at 11:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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