Customs officials were arrested on suspicion of corruption and money-laundering

A 45-year-old customs official was arrested in Rotterdam on suspicion of corruption and money laundering. She was a woman, some time ago, she was already with

A 45-year-old customs official was arrested in Rotterdam on suspicion of corruption and money laundering. She is a woman who was already suspended by her employer some time ago, the State Attorney’s Office (OM) reported on Tuesday.

She previously searched the apartment where the suspect is located. Then under administration, and the funds were confiscated.

You cannot log in where the woman was employed. The suspect is in custody, which means they are only in contact with the lawyer.

In the past few years, several customs officials have been arrested on suspicion of corruption and money laundering. In January, three customs officers were arrested and the picture was created using striking images of cash in cash registers and deposits in their bank accounts.

The case of Gerrit G., who was sentenced to fourteen years in prison, is well known. He was found guilty of intentionally releasing cocaine into traffic in the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

Updated date: February 18, 2020, 12:00 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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