Death of Michel Reynaud, a figure of the fight against the addictions, at the age of 70 years

The announcement of the death of Professor Reynaud, president of the French Federation of Addictions from 2007 to 2009, has sparked a shower of tributes from her colleagues.

The announcement of the death of Professor Reynaud, president of the French Federation of Addictions from 2007 to 2009, has sparked a shower of tributes from her colleagues.

Professor Michel Reynaud, a leading figure in the fight against addiction, has died at the age of 70, the French Federation of Addictions announced.

Michel Reynaud was “the founder of French addiction, someone who, through his actions, his thoughts and his unwavering commitment, truly created discipline in France and it was always carried out with conviction and determination,” the French Federation of Addictions said in a statement released Saturday.

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He was a “benchmark for addictions” and “his commitment contributed significantly to the enrichment of public policies to combat addictions,” Mildeca (inter-ministerial mission to combat drugs and addictive behaviors) responded on Monday.

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“His clinical experience has allowed him to develop innovative thinking on the prevention and treatment of diseases related to alcohol, tobacco or drug use,” Mildec President Nicolas Prisse said in a press release.

“I am proud to have fought with you and the entire League against Cancer against the merchants of death,” the president of the League against Cancer, Axel Kahn, also tweeted.

Psychiatrist and drug addict, Michel Reynaud has worked throughout his career to create care centers adapted to patients who are victims of addiction.

Pr Reynaud “created a renowned center at the Paul Brousse Hospital” and “was the author of important reports for the progress of addiction,” the director general of AP-HP (Public Aid – Paris Hospitals), Martin Hirsch, said on Twitter.

President of the French Federation of Addictions from 2007 to 2009, Michel Reynaud also created the Addiction Action Fund, of which he was president, and the online information and support platform for Addict’Help.

Update date: June 29, 2020, 06:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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