Déconfinement : call to blockages on June 17, against the resumption of the activities toxic

Of the mobilizations against the expansion of the industrial port, have a picnic against a proposed surf Park and actions against “factory farms” chickens are

Of the mobilizations against the expansion of the industrial port, have a picnic against a proposed surf Park and actions against “factory farms” chickens are planned.

Several environmental organizations and trade unions are calling for blockades, protests and occupations on June 17 throughout France against the “réintoxication of the world” so that the “infernal machine” of the economy “do not resume”.

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“The government talks about the month of June as a ‘new market’ in a déconfinement which is for him a re-starting of the economy and the destruction of the living. The only ‘walking’ sensible on the contrary it is to take practical steps to stop the production sectors of the most serious nuisances. We call therefore for a first series of mobilizations simultaneous on Wednesday, 17 June”, write the signatories of the call, relayed notably by the Zad of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Loire-Atlantique).

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Avoid a reboot “as before,”

This call “echoes” in the text published on 30 march by the philosopher Bruno Latour (“Imagine the gestures, barriers against the production back to pre-crisis”, AOC media) “which invites us to prevent at all costs the “reboot as before” economy”, has indicated to the AFP the comic book author Alessandro Pignocchi, author of “The evolution of worlds” (Threshold).

“It is working to block the multiple sectors that must not resume and, in the same movement, to think of the reorganization of production to avoid falling into the opposition between ecology and the world of work”, explains the author, who has already designed the stimulus on his blog (//puntish.blogspot.com/).

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Among the planned actions, mobilizations against the expansion of the industrial port, have a picnic against a proposed surf Park, or to actions against “factory farms” of chickens. The signatories, among which are Solidarity, local groups, Extinguishing the Rebellion, of Youth for Climate or of Attac, called to “determine locally the sectors (…) the most obviously toxic” and “to draw first maps of what should not restart”.

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The government has aggravated this Tuesday its forecast of recession for France this year, at -11%, and plans specific support for the most affected sectors.

Date Of Update: 02 June 2020, 11:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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