Delbert Stayner Bio, Cause Of Death, Steven Stayner Father

Meet Delbert Stayner, father of Steven Stayner. Here he will learn the cause of his death, the abuse allegations and other details.

hulu documentaries, a captive audience summarizes the horrible story of Steven Stayner and his family members. From Steven’s kidnapping and return after seven years to the murder of three women by his brother Cary Stayner and his life after his return is the subject of the documentary. The story is told from the testimony of his children and people who were connected to the trial and their lives.

recorded conversations between I know my name is Steven. screenwriter JP Miller and network executives are among the key captive audience material. Excerpts from such conversations provide a fascinating look behind the veil of true crime, revealing the omissions, fixings, cliffhangers, manipulated facts, and blatant fabrications the narrators use to hold the audience’s attention.

Without going into detail, the Captive Audience section hints that the Stayner family has a history of mental instability and sexual assault. Details about Carey Stayner’s mental state, the alleged abuse of her by her uncle and allegations that her father abused her children emerged after her actions.

Continue reading this article to learn more about it.

Meet Delbert Stayner, father of Steven Stayner

On December 4, 1972, Steven Stayner was kidnapped by Kenneth Parnell and his accomplice Ervin Murphy. He was in captivity for seven years. During that time, Kenneth physically and mentally abused him, which deeply affected him as a person. During that period, he also met Barbara Mathias, his babysitter, who also physically abused him.

They lived together for nine years and Barbara knew him as Dennis. But in the two years that she had cared for Steven, she never suspected that he was the victim of a kidnapping.

Steven Stayner’s disappearance in 1972 had a huge impact on his parents. FBI special agent Jeffrey Rinek wrote in his book that his parents “withdrew emotionally” after Steven’s disappearance. They reported that his son was missing, but they could not find him again.

Delbert fluctuated between an all-out effort to find his missing son and suicidal depression. He was so distraught when Steven was taken away that he pushed Cary away, saying that the “real son of hers” of hers was gone.

His father, Delbert Stayner, was born to Jesse J. and Luella C. Stayner in Farmington, New Mexico. He reportedly moved from Farmington, NM to Merced County in 1951. He had a brother named Jerry Stayner and three sisters Maxine (husband Duane) Higgins, Anna (husband Bobby) Jones, and Sharon Higgins.

Delbert was a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army from 1953 to 1957. From 1961 to 1988, he worked in sawmills throughout California before joining California Canners & Growers. He then worked at Atwater Canning until 1995 when he retired.

Delbert enjoyed camping with his family and friends and gardening with his wife. He was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother and uncle who loved his family. He was a great lover of country music and animals.

Delbert Stayner Cause of death

Delbert Stayner died on April 9, 2013. He reportedly suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts, but the cause of his death is still unclear.

Delbert Stayner Age at death

Delbert Stayner was 79 years old at the time of his death.

Did Delbert Stayner abuse his daughters?

Delbert Stayner had three daughters: Cindy (husband Dan) Sartell, Jody (husband Allan) Cass, and Cory Stayner. In the book, he named FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Rinek In the Name of Children: An FBI Agent’s Relentless Hunt for the Nation’s Worst Predatorsmentioned that Delbert was accused of abusing his daughter.

According to the psychiatric report, Delbert was ordered to go to therapy for the mistreatment. Stayner’s family tree was plagued by mental illness and sexual abuse for five generations.

Adding to her father’s unwanted advances, one of Stayner’s sisters said that when she was eleven years old, Steven’s brother, Cary, began looking at and touching her inappropriately. Cary spied on her, her sisters and her next-door neighbor, according to a relative of hers, lurking under her mattress and discreetly filming them in the bathroom and bedroom. Because it has gone on for so many generations, one relative described child abuse as “like a family disease.”

Related FAQ

  • Is there an obituary for Delbert Stayner?

Yes, there is an obituary for Delbert Stayner. Click on the link to view the obituary.

  • Where is Delbert Stayner from?

Delbert Stayner came from Merced, Merced County, CA, USA, where he moved from Farmington, NM in 1951. He died in Atwater, Merced County, CA, USA.

Categories: Biography

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