Dijon : new unrest after a weekend of violence

The city was the scene of violence the night. The authorities evoke the punitive expeditions carried out by Chechens against residents of Dijon. Dijon was once

The city was the scene of violence the night. The authorities evoke the punitive expeditions carried out by Chechens against residents of Dijon.

Dijon was once again prey to tensions Monday night, the police had to disperse a crowd of men wearing balaclavas and armed wanting to defend their neighbourhood after three punitive expeditions carried out by members of the chechen community in the course of the weekend.

For the fourth night in a row, in a town little accustomed to this kind of disorder, dozens of people armed with iron bars and handguns, which no one knows if they are fake or not, gathered on Monday in the sensitive area of the Grésilles. Gendarmes mobiles, the CRS as well as the RAID had to be mobilized.

What happened ?

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The city of Dijon has experienced three nights of violence. Friday evening, members of the chechen community, armed with iron bars and baseball bats, are made up of the Republic to tackle a shisha bar, reports The Public Good. Some people were encagoulées. Police officers have had to leave their weapons and make use of tear gas to disperse individuals and désencercler, adds France 3.

fifty of the Chechen republic, according to the police, returned in the night from Saturday to Sunday, in the sensitive area of the Grésilles this time. A man, manager of a pizzeria, was seriously wounded by bullets. A third expedition was still mobilized, in the night of Sunday to Monday, 200 Chechens, also to Grésilles. In the evening of Sunday, a man lost control of his vehicle in the course of these incidents, around 21: 30. Severely wounded, he was transported by firefighters to the university hospital of Dijon, specifies The Public Good.

on Monday, 150 people, sometimes encagoulées and armed, were again gathered in the neighborhood of Grésilles. A few trash cans and a car were set on fire, and several armed individuals fired several times into the air in the early evening. A team of journalists from France 3 “has been taking part in and his vehicle caillassé” and a driver has been “assaulted and his vehicle was thrown against a barricade of burning,” according to the prefecture.

To 20.30, 60 gendarmes mobiles, a quarantine of CRS and reinforcements of the brigade, tasked with fighting crime (BAC), as well as of the RAID, have intervened in order to put an end to the violence. “A hundred opponents” were then confronted by the forces of order, has indicated to the AFP the prefect of Côte d’or Bernard Schmeltz. The intervention was completed around 22 hours, leaving only a few charred carcasses of garbage bins and vehicles in the area turned quiet, has found an AFP journalist. Four people have been arrested, according to the prefecture.

According to the prefect, Bernard Schmeltz, disorders of Monday were not the result of members of the chechen community, unlike these last three days. “We have not identified any presence outside, what are people from Dijon”, he assured.

what are due to these clashes ?

police sources indicated that these new attacks were the result of people wanting to defend their “territory” against the repeated incursions of the Chechens. They are the result of punitive expeditions “completely new” conducted this weekend by members of the chechen community. According to police, a first raid had been launched Friday evening in the city centre following the assault, on 10 June, a young man of 16 years old, coming to this community.

In an interview with the local daily The Public Good, a man posing as a Chechen and called to have participated in the expedition has confirmed that the operation was intended to avenge a “16-year-old”, a member of the chechen community, which would have been “assaulted” by drug dealers.

” We were a hundred (in the night from Friday to Saturday, editor’s note), who came from all over France, but also Belgium and Germany (…) We never had the intention to sack the city neither of us take it to the people,” added the Chechen to the Public Good. Several of them have confirmed to France 3 target dealers. “They insulted us, they hit one of ours, we are here to beat them,” says a member of the expedition. Another adds : “We didn’t want to bother the Previous, we’re sorry, we did fear the people but it is better to have fear than to have a death at the bottom of the building the next morning”.

For his part, the prosecutor of the Republic of Dijon Eric Mathais blasted on Monday a “drift communitarian, and racist, with a punitive expedition of the Chechens, a vengeance on members of the community, the maghreb, who allegedly attacked a young man, perhaps in the context of a case of drug trafficking.” And to add : “This punitive expedition is, at no time, it will target the forces of law and order.”

How to react to the authorities ?

In the evening, the Interior ministry has deemed “unacceptable” the “violent public disorder and acts of intimidation” in recent days, promising “a strong response”. A reinforcement of a hundred of the forces of law and order has, therefore, been dispatched. “Reinforcements will arrive this evening (Monday), a or two companies, so as to secure and reassure,” said the mayor socialist incumbent François Rebsamen, after a telephone call with the minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner. The secretary of State, Laurent Nunez is expected on site this Tuesday.

The prefecture has stated that a half-section of CRS (37 officers) and reinforcements of the brigade, tasked with fighting crime had already arrived on Sunday.”These facts are unacceptable and totally unpublished,” added the mayor, who is running for a fourth term.

An investigation has been initiated, “especially for attempted murder organised, damage, incitement to violence, in cosaisine between the judicial police and the public security, according to Eric Mathais.

The political reactions have also succeeded on Monday evening. “See what our leaders have left to do to our beautiful country breaks my heart,” tweeted Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, denounced an “unacceptable chaos”. “The armed bands shall be disbanded. The gang disarmed”, has tweeted the leader of France insubordinate.

Date Of Update: 16 June 2020, 00:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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