Domestic violence : the Assembly validates the possibility of lifting the medical confidentiality

This LREM bill, among other things, aims at “better protection for victims of violence.” Medical secrecy will now be exceptionally breakable in “immediate” cases.

This LREM bill, among other things, aims at “better protection for victims of violence.”

Medical secrecy can now be broken exceptionally in cases of “imminent danger”: on Thursday, Parliament gave the final green light to the LREM bill to “better protect victims of domestic violence.”

The Senate must now examine this text on Wednesday for its final approval. It provides for a series of measures, including “an exception to medical confidentiality when a health professional or doctor suspects an imminent threat.” “A doctor must be able to report on a woman who may never come back alive,” stressed project reporter Bernice Couillard (LREM).

According to several elected members of the opposition parties, including the communist Stéphane Little, “this provision raises the question” because “it could undermine the trust between the patient and the health professional”. But “despite these reservations, we voted in favor of this bill.”

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The fight against “marriage caused by violence on the Internet”

The text provides for penalties for harassment within a couple, leading to up to ten years in prison if the harassment leads the victim to commit suicide or attempt suicide. It prevents the geolocation of a person without their consent and creates an aggravating circumstance in case of breach of the confidentiality of correspondence by the spouse or ex-spouse, to better fight against “cyberviolence in marriage”.

READ ALSO >> domestic violence: abolition of medical secrecy, with the risk of isolating the victims?

To protect children, the proposed law opens up the possibility of suspending parental rights in the context of judicial supervision. It also strengthens the protection of minors from exposure to pornography. This text follows the Grenelle of domestic violence led by Marlène Schiappa in the fall of 2019.

149 women murdered in 2019

“What in 2019 is 149 women who lost their lives and so many families broken forever. We cannot remain inert in the face of these human tragedies,” said the new minister in charge of equality between women and men, Elisabeth Moreno, including figures from associations.

In the BIA, Caroline Fiat described the “small step” text, but it was rejected. The parliamentarian also criticized the appointment to the Interior Ministry of Gérald Darmanin, who is mentioned in the rape allegations. “This symbol teaches us the importance they give to the discourse of women and the fight against the violence to which they are exposed,” he told the majority.

Read our full file

Domestic Violence: Senate Unanimously Approves LREM Law Senate Focuses on Domestic Violence, Controversial Decree Domestic Violence: Nicole Belloubet Wants to Develop Protection Orders

Before the vote, the “walkers” were overtaken by the first bill of LR Aurélien Pradié, approved at the end of 2019, which includes the generalization of the anti-approach bracelet for violent spouses or ex-spouses.

Date updated: Jul 17, 2020, 03:58 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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