Drake & Josh: 10 Of Steve’s Biggest Freak-Outs, Ranked

“Mad Men” Steve (Jerry Trainor) is a memorable character Drake and Josh. He is well known for his outburst, which is one of the humorous aspects of his personality. He doesn’t like Mondays, and he hates people eating his enchiladas.

He’s Josh’s co-worker at the cinema, and although people fear him, audiences can’t help but love him. He brings his own comedy to the show and is one of the most memorable characters drake and josh Made for an audience loved by generations to come.

first impression

When the audience meets Steve for the first time, Josh is praising the theater’s sound system, the popcorn, and the movie he just saw. Steve was on the verge of collapse when he made the slightest criticism about the loose cup holder in the movie theater. He sarcastically mentions that with all the pain, hunger, and disease in the world, there’s no better use of time than making sure every cup holder is “strong as a rock” and God forbid Josh’s lemonade was a bit “disproportionate”. Josh quietly said he ate the fruit, which led to Steve announcing that he was quitting his job. This isn’t the last time viewers will see Steve and he certainly made a lasting first impression.

popcorn machine problem

Steve interrupts a conversation between Josh and his friends at the theater to gently ask for help about the malfunctioning popcorn machine. Josh’s response was that Steve should get someone else because Josh wasn’t working that night, which caused Steve to go overboard.

He knocks over Eric’s chair and Eric flies back screaming and throwing Craig’s hot dogs elsewhere, shouting “Thanks for nothing!” at Josh Steve must have been there Had a bad time with the popcorn machine.

Foreign films

To impress his mail friend Yuka from Udonia, Josh takes her to the cinema to watch a movie that makes her homesick, because he mistranslates her as “sick of home” ” while she’s really “bored at home”. However, Drake forces Josh to give Yooka more of an American experience, which Yooka feels more comfortable with, so Josh tells Steve they’ll watch another movie. down to the foreign movie and set everything up; he threatened that someone would go to the movies, or that “someone’s going to be an organ donor, Josh Nichols!‘, which made Josh decide to watch this foreign film because he really wanted to keep his organs intact.

bad fire

When Josh told his coworker that he had beaten Helen, a famous professional athlete in a squash match, the conversation from an innocent conversation calmed Steve when Josh informed him. reported that he was “out of stock”. Steve panicked immediately, shouting “Fire!” and sprayed the cleaner Josh was using to wipe the counter in his face, which is ironic because the cleaner can be flammable.

Steve’s panic was quelled by Josh, who assured Steve there was no fire and just “inhaled and exhaled” while rubbing his head until Steve was calm enough to hug the cash register. Oh good…

Steve and his logger

exist Merry Christmas Drake and Josh, Steve owns a wood chipper that he affectionately calls Sally. He seems to treat her like a real person, because anyone who dares to call Sally “it” insults him a lot, if his monstrosity is anything to do with it. Nicknamed Steve “Crazy,” he might not be the best person to own such a machine, but he used it to help Drake and Josh give some kids a Christmas. having fun and throwing cheese at Sarah. Li replaced Xue.

Steam cleaning for mental health

While cleaning theater carpets with steam and removing stains, Steve seemed a little aggressive towards his father.

He tells Mindy and Helen that he treats every stain like his father, and shouts at the floor “Here let me do my mom’s laundry!” and “This is to send me to the fat camp!” While unusual, it worked for him and he got the job done at the same time. It is a win-win outcome and good for all.

“I also struggle with anger issues”

Steve notices Josh angrily making a pile of candy. Josh explains that he was upset when he saw Mindy at the movie theater and smeared the fact that she had a new boyfriend in Josh’s face. Steve sympathizes, saying “I have an anger problem too” and continues to show Josh a small squeaky toy that he squeezes when angry. With the perfect timing of humor, seconds later Steve freaks out, yells at Josh not to drink while he’s talking, and starts squeezing his toys to calm his anger. When Steve asked “see how it works?” Josh panicked and spat out his drink. The squeaky toy comes in handy for both Drake and Josh, who are fighting in rage in this episode.

shout out to dora

steve really enjoyed an episode dora the explorer, shouted at her in Spanish, impatiently telling her to hurry. He happily shouted, “Come on Dora, you’re the one with the map, don’t ask me!” at one point. Drake and Josh’s house lost power, and Steve was watching TV on a small TV whose antenna had to be turned on manually to keep it lit.

Craig had to drive it, and Steve would scold him if he tried to rest. However, he did allow Mrs. Parker to change the channel to see her husband, who occasionally reported bad weather. Considering Steve seems really annoyed with Dora, maybe he needs a little break, but he always wants to get back to Dora anyway.

second worst case

Mindy had just been hired as the theater’s assistant director, and she scheduled Steve to work on Mondays, which proved to be a huge mistake, even though no one told her that Monday. Two is a bad day for Steve. Helen was about to call the SWAT team, but Josh came to the rescue and reassured Steve, who shook his tennis bra with both hands and yelled “Cock-a-doodle-doo , cow!” Steve recognizes Josh, says “You ate my enchiladas” and then calms down when Josh sings “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain” to him; Steve breaks down, hugs Josh and apologizes. Viewers might agree that Monday was tough, but Steve took it to the next level.

“You ate my enchiladas!”

Unfortunately, Josh accidentally ate Steve’s enchiladas at work. When he realized what he had done, he begged Steve, insisting there was no piece of paper. At first, Steve didn’t panic. This is because he and his therapist have made a plan to only allow him to get angry four times a day; Josh. Even when Josh thought everything was fine, Steve still reality Getting mad at Josh for eating his enchiladas has become a fan favorite.

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