Drought : Denormandie announces new aid for farmers and ranchers

The minister has also confirmed that a “significant part” of the agricultural component of the recovery plan will be dedicated to “adapting our crops to climate change.”

The minister has also confirmed that an “important part” of the agricultural component of the recovery plan will be devoted to “adapting our crops to climate change.”

They were also victims of the drought. The government will allow the opening of a “disaster” compensation scheme for farmers and herders, who should also benefit from other cash aid, such as some tax cuts, Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie announced on Friday.

“We are taking exceptional measures to help farmers in the face of drought episodes, which continue to recur,” he told Franceinfo. The minister also confirmed that “an important part” of the agricultural component of the economic recovery plan that will be announced on August 25 will be devoted to “adapting our crops to climate change.”

advance payment of installments

“For the departments that can get out of the “agricultural disaster”, the minister indicated that he will be “very attentive” so that the affected peasants can benefit. “When will this happen? At the end of the dry episode, we see the consequences of the reduction in performance and we make these statements (…) from which the attached financial statements are derived”, said the minister without specifying the amount of the budget.

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In extraordinary measures, in addition to the already announced green light for the use of fallows to feed livestock and the postponement of planting dates imposed by the common agricultural policy (PAC), the minister referred to the return in installments. “Greater” reduction of the PAC and of the land tax paid by farmers” in the most affected areas.

Earlier in the week, the president of the farmers’ union, Modef Pierre Thomas, called for the activation of the national fund for risk management in agriculture (FNGRA) to compensate farmers for damage caused by the drought. FNSEA President Christiane Lambert also called for relief for the bank to charge or rely on repayments from agricultural companies.

“Preparing for the Future”

“Apart from these very short-term, agronomic and financial measures, it is especially necessary to prepare for the future, that is the objective of the recovery plan, or a significant part of the agricultural component of the recovery plan will be dedicated to the adaptation of agriculture to the effects of climate change”, added the minister. In this panel, he cited three examples: financing the purchase of protection materials against hail, financing research to find seeds better adapted to climate change and improving resource management , especially the water.

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“After the drought, there are electrical storms, very strong, hail: today we have materials to protect ourselves from these phenomena, which are expensive, we need to be able to finance them to support our farmers,” added the minister, who is on two farms in Haute-Value. Garonne this Friday. Regarding water management, Julien Denormandie considered “absolutely abnormal” that a retention pond construction project could “take between 8 and 10 years” and spoke of “simplification measures” to be included “with consultation” to avoid “conflicts”. of use”.

Date updated: August 15, 2020, 05:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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