Escape of Redoine Faïd : James Mariani, the figure of the bandit corse, put in a review

On July 1, 2018 an armed commando had been deposited by helicopter in the courtyard of the centre pénitentiaire de Réau in Seine-et-Marne to recover Faïd. Jacq

On July 1, 2018 an armed commando had been deposited by helicopter in the courtyard of the centre pénitentiaire de Réau in Seine-et-Marne to recover Faïd.

Jacques Mariani, the figure of the bandit of corsica, has been indicted in the investigation into the attempted escape from prison of the robber multirécidiviste Redoine Faïd. The heir of the criminal gang of the sea Breeze was indicted Monday on two occasions for alleged “criminal conspiracy” by an investigating judge of paris, to the acquisition or possession of a weapon class A or class B meeting, as well as for escape attempt organised.

The allegations against Jacques Mariani alleged to have been committed in the course of the year 2017 when he was in a state of recidivism, according to a source close to the folder. After a plan is not materialized to escape Redoine Faïd from the prison of Fresnes in the Val-de-Marne this year, on July 1, 2018 an armed commando had been deposited by helicopter in the courtyard of the centre pénitentiaire de Réau in Seine-et-Marne.

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Dressed in black, wearing balaclavas, two men equipped with assault rifles Kalashnikov had risen out of the device before you recover Faïd. The latter was serving his sentence after his conviction for a robbery missed in the Val-de-Marne, which had cost the life in 2010 to the municipal police Aurélie Fouquet. After three months on the run, the robber had been arrested on 3 October 2018, with several relatives, including his brother Rachid, in an apartment in Creil in the Oise.

A man with an accent corsica

Jacques Mariani was retrieved last week from his cell in the prison of Baumettes, in Marseille, to be heard by the Brigade for the repression of banditry of Versailles. These indictments Monday were accompanied by a remand in custody. It is a testimony obtained at the end of 2019, which put the investigators on this track, detailed Obs, which revealed the placement in police custody.

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A man, who is suspected of having taken part in the design of a plan to escape Redoine Faïd, told investigators that a man with an accent corsica was present. While other witnesses have told about the links existing between Jacques Mariani, in prison at the time of the facts, and the mask of the robber.

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Escape of Rédoine Faïd: James Mariani, the figure of the bandit corse, placed in custody Robbery of a van : Redoine Faïd on appeal was sentenced to 28 years in prison in The appeal trial of Redoine Faïd maintained despite his absence

These are the elements that have led investigators to make comparisons and have led to the detention of Jacques Mariani – inter alia sentenced in 2008 to 15 years imprisonment for murder – to see if this Corsica is not one of his acquaintances, details the log.

Date Of Update: 09 June 2020, 16:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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