Euphoria: Maddy’s Most Iconic Quotes

Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for HBO’s Euphoria, as well as inappropriate language for women and discussions of homophobia and abuse.

Maddie Perez from Happiness Totally iconic in more ways than one. She has a wardrobe that can kill, a great sense of humor, and the confidence in herself that some people aspire to achieve in their lives. His playful demeanor and bold demeanor make Maddie one of the most lovable characters in television history.

Maddy isn’t afraid to be herself, and she doesn’t have time to be modest—she knows her own greatness and never hides from it. Instead, she wears it as a badge of honor (encrusted with rhinestones). The glamorous chili-throwing girl deserves all the attention she gets, which is why it’s no surprise that fans can’t stop repeating some of her most memorable lines in the series. programme.

Updated by Hannah Saab on March 10, 2022: Maddy’s storyline got better (and wilder) in season 2, and she left fans with more memorable quotes about being a teen. While Mattie’s best lines in “The Thrill” are often witty insults or counterattacks, some of her signature lines also reveal a more vulnerable and thoughtful side of her. she hopes viewers will see more in the following episodes.

“Your whole family is weird.”

Maddy looks like she just cried in Euphoria.

in the season 1 finale Happiness, McGrady decided that was enough. When it comes to Nate Jacobs and his eccentric father, their anger issues are entering dangerous territory in Maddy’s life, and she’s come to the conclusion that she wants nothing to do with the family. their family.

Both Nate and Cal Jacobs suffer from toxic masculinity and both feel compelled to suppress their emotions. Suppressing emotions, especially anger, is never ideal—in the long run it just leads to outbursts of behavior, which is exactly what happened to Nate. Maddy eventually realizes it’s a toxic environment, and no matter how much she loved Nate, she knows she doesn’t deserve to be with her family – unfortunately, their breakup didn’t last long. .

“B***h, you’re my soul mate.”

Maddy looks at the camera in Euphoria.

Sometimes soul mates are not romantic partners but best friends. Maddy said this to Cassie at Mardi Gras, when Cassie admitted to her BFF that she “never ARE NOT over someone’s phone. At this point, Maddy is worried about Nate’s behavior and she thinks he’s cheating on her – the pictures on his phone suggest it’s very likely.

Cassie’s shameless response ensures their eternal friendship, as Cassie is able to make Maddy laugh even when she’s extremely nervous about the situation. Sometimes the best friendships are the ones in which friends can make each other forget their problems for a moment and instead make us feel good and defend our actions with humor.

“She never really thought about a career or a job.”

A younger version of Maddy looking at herself in a mirror in Euphoria.

While this is not a direct quote from Maddie herself, it is about her and is a must-have to describe Maddie’s personality. She fantasizes about living a lavish life, enjoying lobster dinners and fur coats from her favorite movies.

Maddy knows exactly what she wants and she’s not ashamed to try to get it. It’s no surprise that she’s become a fan favorite as no one else is as confident and determined as she is.

“Do you think my areola looks weird?”

Maddy stroked her face and looked at Euphoria in the mirror.

Here’s another good example of how Maddy came from Happiness Correct. Once upon a time, women were taught to display humility as a virtue so that they would not appear confident. A woman who can speak her mind is condemned by society, but Maddy will not abide by these strict gender norms.

She says what’s on her mind and she doesn’t care if people don’t like it. This is who she is, and she doesn’t give up to fit better into society.

“We don’t eat starch!”

Maddy stands at Euphoria's party.

Maddie said it during the show after a cookie seller asked him if he could take their order. The incredible kid who works at the cookie stand is also the town’s drug dealer who hides drugs in cookies.

It took Maddy a while to figure this out, but the line itself was hilarious because Maddy’s life was so funny. With that said, she’s considered a stereotypical pop girl who cares deeply about her image, but fans know that she’s more than that.

“I shouldn’t be here right now because I’m dressing up as a whore.”

Maddy and Nate pose in Euphoria.

Maddie told this to the Jacobs when they were working at the chili stand. Nate humiliates Maddy for wearing a casual dress, comparing her to a whore. However, instead of changing into a more modest outfit like Nate had told her to, she decided to cause a scene that would be more effective.

One of the funniest moments in the entire HBO series is when Maddy takes Cal’s hard-earned chili pepper box and throws the whole thing on the floor. Yes, on purpose. This is Maddy’s style.

“First, Ew. Second, Ew.”

Maddy said this when she saw Nate dancing with another girl at the school dance. At this point, she not only loathes Nate but also loathes his current efforts to make Maddy jealous.

Unfortunately, he succeeded, and she ended up running up to a group of men and asking if they wanted to dance with her so she could make him jealous. It worked out in the end, and as soon as he saw Maddy with another guy, he would jump off the dance floor.

“Kissing is worse. More intimate.”


Cassie confessed to the girls that she dated Daniel during her relationship with McKay, which she does as often. They only kissed because Cassie would feel guilty, despite the many challenges she and McKay faced in their relationship.

Maddy tells Cassie that kissing another man is worse than sleeping with him because kissing is more romantic and intimate. It’s a unique look that gives fans more insight into her mind as she navigates relationships.

“I’m just saying, love is a million things.”

Maddy and Kat go for a walk in Euphoria's school.

Maddy tells her friends that love is a million things. She says that sometimes it makes you feel great, and sometimes it makes you feel bad. This is evident when it comes to her relationship with Nate, which eventually turns abusive and toxic in every conceivable way.

Maddie eventually learns the hard way that love shouldn’t make you feel bad. This is not a healthy state of mind. A strong relationship involves two partners who want to uplift each other, not tear them apart.

“The universe is here, zero f***s.”

Maddy is on the beach in Euphoria.

Maddy and Cassie utter this hilarious wisdom while sitting on the Ferris wheel. Basically, what she’s saying is that no matter how big one’s problems are, they’re not as important as how people think about them.

Even if a person’s life gets so bad that they think they will never recover from a struggle, there is always a chance to recover. The universe forgives, so it is not impossible for people to be kinder to themselves.

“There’s a difference between what you think you should want and what you actually want.”

joy season 2 plot kat

After Kate finally admits to Maddie that she “can’t stand Ethan,” viewers get a glimpse of Maddie’s caring and supportive side. She reminds her friend that it is possible to get what she really wants, instead of just following what is expected of her.

If she’s not happy with Ethan, it doesn’t matter if others think her relationship with Ethan is perfect. Which means Maddy will feel the same way about her problems, because she’s trying to be true to herself.

“Everybody thinks they’re stupid, so what?”

Maddy pretends to be pregnant in the mirror in Euphoria

The heartwarming moments between Lacey and Maddie reveal a surprisingly vulnerable side of the villain’s personality. When Lexi admits she feels “stupid” with her makeup on, Maddy reminds her that’s how everyone feels, before confidently explaining that “90% of life is about confidence” and anyway No one can tell if it’s true or not.

Maddy even admits that she used to feel this way about herself, which is almost unthinkable considering her behavior today. She’s just “choosing not to feel stupid”, which of course is easier said than done, but achievable for someone as hard-working as she is.

“Not everyone is 100% straight or 100% gay.”

Nate and Maddy talk about her birthday in Euphoria.

When Maddie tried to explain to him that “sex is a spectrum” after questioning him about pornographic pictures she found on her phone, Maddie talked to Nate about gender and identity. Unfortunately, her well-intentioned words only offend Nate, whose ingrained homophobia doesn’t allow him to understand Maddy’s point of view.

There’s still no clear explanation as to why the photos popped up on Nate’s phone in the first place, and it’s safe to say that fans won’t get any explanation until he’s… fix your problem. Characters like Maddy are better off avoiding jokes until he can talk seriously without going into a tantrum.

“I’ll never find that kind of love – there’s no darkness, only sweetness. I don’t know if it’ll be enough for me.”

Kat looks at Ethan in Euphoria

Maddy’s painful past of seeing her parents treat each other the way they did may have influenced the way she views romantic relationships. It’s impossible to ignore the hurt and longing in her voice as she comments on Kat and Ethan’s romance and how it has no darkness.

Since her parents set a bad example for her, she thinks it’s normal to have “darkness” in the partnership. However, her situation is said to be much worse, which is why fans are eager for her to come out of the abusive relationship.

“Don’t worry, this is just the beginning”

Maddy giggles in Euphoria.

A chaotic riot at Lexi’s match culminates in a physical confrontation between Cassie and Maddy as the two settle the matter with fists instead of words. After they found themselves exhausted and short of breath in the bathroom, Cassie admitted that Nate ended their relationship after walking out of what he called a “homophobic” movie.

McGrady’s ominous promise that this is “just the beginning” can mean a lot. She could hint that she and Nate have always been a close-knit couple, or she could also talk about all the hurt Cassie would eventually face if she stayed with him. Either way, it’s a warning that Cassie should (but probably won’t) take seriously.

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